The Fittings

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The Way I Feel Tonight
Elle's POV

I walked back downstairs to explain everything to Jake I was kind of in a panic if I can be honest. God knows what he's going to think of me, see this is what I mean by myself being so confused I know I had feelings for Jake, that's true but I know I loved Noah.. well I like think I do? Like I said, confused. I brought myself together, and finally found him.
"Hi babe, are you ok? Sorry I left for so long I kinda got in abit of a mess" I laughed vaguely explaining my sick mess. I didn't mention Noah, I figured I didn't really have to. He smiled at me and kissed my head "don't worry babe, I wasn't stranded, Chloe's kinda cool.. you wanna get going soon? And where is your dress?" He said pulling at Noah's black t-shirt that was conveniently oversized on me. I scoffed "I was sick on it, I found this in one of the closets upstairs, they won't mind" I said between laughs, I was nervous I didn't want him to read too much into it.
"Oh, ok. You never could handle your liquor could you baby?" Jake smiled and squeezed my head in for a hug. It was time to go home, it's been an eventful evening I can tell you that. I looked over at Noah carrying Chloe over his shoulder she was laying on the sand, laughing she was clearly very drunk.
"Was you responsible for that?" I laughed and pointed at Noah carrying Chloe. He laughed back and shook nick his head "no no no, trust me SHE is responsible for that,  she just kept taking shots and when I was done she would take mine too" I giggled and took his word for it, i don't know Chloe seems different she wasn't ever like this before she was actually a really cool girl. But who knows, I'm not going to be the one looking into Noah's girlfriend, it's none of my business. We both said our goodbyes, I gave Lee and Rachel a hug and went home, luckily we wasn't too far away.
At home, me and Jake was laying in bed, he fell right to sleep as always and all I could think about was how the night unfolded, I stared up at the ceiling just thinking I can't believe me and Noah got that close again, I just thought about his hand on my back.. even if it was for a gross cause.. The feelings were still there, sometimes I wonder if it's because we don't see each other for so long that it's just a rush of emotions or if it's because we are truly meant to be. I let out one big sigh before nodding off to sleep, tomorrow is a new day I'm sure it will all blow over.

I woke up, my head pounding I definitely had too much to drink last night.
"Aspirin and sports drink is on the side for you" the voice, it wasn't Jake..
But my one and only best friend Lee.
"When did you get here?" I groaned and pulled myself up on the bed, taking the aspirin from the side knocking it back fast.
"About 20 minuets ago, I passed Jake on the way out. He seemed happy.. wild night?" Lee said jumping on my bed and winking at me I knew what he was getting at, but that is certainly not what happened.
"Ewww, no I was way too drunk for that. Creep." I laughed and chugged a little bit more of my sports drink. But really though, what is he so happy for? Eh I probably shouldn't read into everything.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding, hey you need to get ready because today we have final fittings, there's officially 5 more days for the wedding so we need to make sure everything is perfect" he rubbed my head messing my hair up even more.
Shit I had forgotten all about it.
"Ok dude, who.. who's going to be there?" I asked.. really only wanting to hear one name.
"My dad, Justin, tuppen, Ryan, Ollie.." Lee went on.
"Anyone else?.. I mean like if I'm the only girl that will be erm.. sooooo awkward" I said trying to cover up my lies.
"Oh yeah, Noah and Jake will be there" ok first of all how does he know what my boyfriend is doing before I do..
"Jake will be there huh? How did you manage that, he's been invested in work recently" I laughed, heading into my bathroom turning on the shower
"I have my ways!" He shouted to me, trying to talk over the running water.
Wow, Jake and Noah huh both together it doesn't get any better then that huh.. yeah. I showered up, I didn't dry my hair it usually just naturally curls on it's own. And threw on some clothes.
"Why am I even going anyway, I'm not even wearing a suit?" I laughed, whilst putting on my shoes. Lee pulled me to hug and squeeze my head.
"Oh come on Elle, do you reaaaaally think I could do this without you I need to to tell me if I look good or not.. besides. I need you there Elle" awww lee could always be sweet when he wanted to be.
"True, can't have you looking like a the kid at the end of the movie BIG now can we?" He laughed
"The movie big?"
"Erm dude, it's literally such a sweet movie at the end he's like walking in a giant suit anddd never mind" I laughed and stood myself up. Ok, so here it goes. Time to face the music once again. I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed out Lee drove to the tailor's on the way I pulled out my phone and texted Jake. 'Hi baby, I'll see you when I get there, I can't believe you didn't tell me you were going you're so sneaky, love you" I pressed send, I kinda felt like I needed to text him because he was alright gone before I woke up, he's been acting real strange, or am I just the one acting strange? I couldn't tell.
We was getting all into it, singing some music driving down the roads.. when I felt a vibration. Ahh must be Jake texting me back.
And to my surprise, it was not. It was Noah. Fuck. I glanced down at my phone to realise I did not text Jake at all, my eyes widened i in fact texted Noah don't even ask me how I made that mistake.. I guess he was the last person I texted? How am I even going to explain this. His reply read
'Hey Shelly I didn't know I was meant to tell you? But sorry anyway for not. Haha love you too see you in a little while'
My eyes again got wider, I'm sure they was just about to pop out of my head. Oh god, how could I be so stupid. I didn't want to be rude, so I just texted back 'gotcha! Xo' I then forwarded first text over to the actual person I was meant to send it to, like I said I'm just trying to keep things on the good side of things Jake has kinda been off recently. I did however notice, Noah wrote he loved me too. Which honestly, I probably re read over 100 times, I took a deep breath and held my phone to my chest. Let's see what today brings, my whole life seems to be going south recently. I don't even know whats even happened, I was doing great if I'm honest.. now I just feel like I can barely do anything without the picture of him in my head. I shook myself to myself, I've gotta get a grip and just get today done with and help my best friend.
We pulled up at the tailors, I could see 
Lee was abit nervous, was sweating a little and kept pacing around waiting for everyone to show up
"Dude if you're this nervous just doing a fitting for the suit imagine what you will be like at the wedding, calm down Jesus" I took his hand and sat him down.
"I know Elle, it's just I want everything to be perfect. She deserves perfect you know?" I smiled, he really does love her.
"I know dude, don't worry we won't mess this up." I hugged his head tightly I was still standing and he was still sitting.
"Thank you Elle, this is why I needed you here" he made my heart melt bless him he really is my best friend and I love him so much, in some ways it really feels like I'm giving him away you know? Crazy. My thoughts were interrupted by the group of men walking through the door, making very boisterous noises, they all got here at the same time apart from Jake he wasn't here though just yet. I decided to call him, we can't wait forever. The phone rang for abit then he finally picked up.
"Jake, where are you babe we are all waiting on just you"
"Oh hey babe, I am literally around the corner, I'll be two minutes I got hold back by... traffic yeah traffic" hmm weird, he just made an excuse for some reason.
"Ohh, ok. I'll see you soon, love you"
"You too, bye" he then hung up. Wow that was very vague.. oh well, he has a lot on his plate right now with work and things I'm sure it's nothing. I decided to let it go for now, if it was something I'm sure we could talk about it at home.
And just like that like clockwork Jake walked through the door
"I'm here guys sorry to keep you waiting!" He said scurrying over to me and planted a kiss on my lips I smiled and kissed him back. They were all getting their measurements taken, and I was doing everything I could not to notice Noah was here looking as fine as ever. Because I have a boyfriend and he's right here. I smiled at Jake, he smiled back. I don't know though something just feels a little off.. not the time for it though, this is lee's time he needs me to be focused on him and that's what I'll do, I got up out of my chair and walked over to lee who was wearing a smart suit, it was gorgeous on him and he looked so grown up it made my heart smile if that makes any sense?
"So, what do you think Evans?" Lee said posing for me
"Dude I'm trying not to get all choked up here it's perfect" I smiled and grabbed his hands.
"Are you sure? You're not just lying to me right so you can get out of here?" He laughed and raised one eyebrow.
"No of course not! It's actually perfect, you done good dude you done good" I smiled at him
"Thanks, could you be good to me please elle and double check everyone's fittings I know you have a sharp eye I just don't want anyone looking bad for the wedding pleaaaaase"
I raised one eyebrow at him and sighed "ohhh fine." I walked around the room, I checked Justin's. he was fine, he was a pretty boy so he wouldn't let himself look stupid. I then checked my dads, he was also very dashing it made me smile, I checked ollie's, once again he would never let himself look bad. Then it was Noah's turn
"So what do you think Elle?" He said smiling at me showing teeth.
"You look real handsome" I couldn't lie to him, he did look verrrrry dreamy.
"Thank you, can you do me a favour.. could you tie my tie.. I know it sounds stupid but I still haven't got the hang of it yet" he laughed nervously, he was a little ashamed to admit it.
"Erm sure" I smiled and grabbed it from the side, I threw my hands around his neck to place the tie in the correct position. Of course I had to tiptoe because he was clearly a lot taller than me.
"You look beautiful today Shelly, I love when you leave your hair to naturally dry" he just basically blurted out to my surprise, I didn't know how to respond especially my face being this close to his, he still smelt so good, and the feel of his soft neck it was doing things for me.
"Why.. thank you Noah, you sure are a charmer" I said finishing off his tie
"Somethings never Change huh?" He laughed and posed for me
"Perfect" I said to him looking him up and down I can't help but notice how amazing his physic was, before I could get myself lost in the moment again, I had Jake to attend to, I walked over to see him thumbling with his cuff links.
"Need a hand with that?" I said as I grabbed his wrist area to help him out
"Sure, so uhh Elle.. you and Noah huh.. why have you never told me about you and him?" Dread filled my body at the thought of that question.. I could only tell he was NOT ok with me and Noah being ex's otherwise he wouldn't of mentioned it..

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