The Mirror Talk

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Elle's POV:
I managed to get some rest, finally. It felt good knowing I had Noah next to me just made things seem abit easier, now all I have to do is think about telling him because if I'm honest I can't keep this a secret. My only scare is that he won't believe me and think it's jakes, but believe me when I say that ship had already sailed long before I slept with Noah again. I turned around realising he was no longer in the bed with me, I didn't panic it was expected being as we are at Lee's and it would bring more questions than I can cope with right now, I brushed it all off and went for a shower, I didn't take long it was mainly just a quick one as I realised I had nothing with me here, no clothes no toiletries or anything, which only meant one thing I will be wearing Noah's sweatpants and tee, I would of wore something of Lee's but I'm pretty sure his whole wardrobe is shorts and a shirt these days, also without Rachel here I'm not even sure he knows how to wash his own clothes. I wrapped my hair in a towel, then myself in another and walked back into the guest room, it felt kind of weird asking Noah if I could wear his clothes, but also comforting at the same time. But I chickened out a little and decided I would just text him instead, I reached down to the bedside table and picked up my phone, and left Noah a polite text of 'I have no clothes can I wear yours' he would already know what I would need as I've done this plenty of times before. It was only then, I realised the letters that Nurse Sandra left me was no longer in the envelope. My heart began beating super fast and my knees felt super weak. He wouldn't read my personal letters would he? Surely not.. he knows how I feel about privacy. I picked up the letters in a panic and held them I overlooked them slightly and noticed they looked as if they had been wet and dried themselves over night. Ok this is all making sense now, he spilled my water over and took them out so the pages didn't stick together, he surely wouldn't read it. I hope not anyway, my mind was doing backflips when Noah just burst through the door with a white t shirt and grey sweatpants. "I got your tex-" he stopped and stared at me, my whole body tensed up, feeling as if he knew something. "What.." I said shakily
"Elle.. your towel it's erm" he did a hand gesture to inform me my towel had slipped down and my boobs were actually fully on show. I forcefully pulled the towel back up then covered my face in embarrassment. "Oh my god, so sorry this wasn't planned at all" I said through my hands, I can't believe my own luck! Imagine if it was lee.
"Elle, it's nothing I haven't seen before. But here, put these on before lee catches you" he laughed making it into a joke, which made me feel somewhat better. And he was also being oddly chipper, so surely he can't of read the letter really? Thank god. I laughed back and him and pulled the clothes out of his hands. "Thank you" I said my face still bright red. I put the t-shirt on over the towel, then the same with the sweatpants. They were a little bit big on me so I had to tie the waistband and roll up the bottoms but I felt comfy never the less. Noah was still waiting for me, he turned around at this point to try give me some privacy.
"All sorted" he said smiling at me. This made me happy, but then I got a little sad just thinking.. I don't really know what's going on with us.
In fact we haven't really spoken about it.
We always just slip back into our old ways then he leaves again, he comes back and we are right back to square one. We always seem to do this, the only difference is he's never gotten me pregnant before. There's that.
"Are you hungry?.. I made pancakes" he said sweetly breaking the silence I giggled remembering that I taught him how to make pancakes
"Oh I don't know.. I mean you cooked them, will it poison me?" I replied playfully. He laughed and shot me a look
"Hey, I was taught by the best of course not. Now come on, foods on the table" he pulled my arms up to stand me up and laughed. "So taught by the best huh?" I asked him fishing for a compliment "oh shut up" he laughed playfully. We went down the stairs and to my surprise there was a lovely little set up at the table in the kitchen.. pancakes, chocolate sauce, strawberries and cream, fancy fruit. It was all here, my mouth watered just looking at it. "Wow this looks amazing, well done Flynn you've really outdone yourself" and he really did, I can't help but feel like this is a a little date.. but I don't want to overthink it because he could just be feeling sorry for me I guess. Or he knows?.. my stomach was in knots just at the thought.
I grabbed a plate and filled it with all of a little of everything then smothered it in chocolate sauce, I was super hungry today and I haven't ate much recently so now is my time to pig out. Also I can hide behind the food if you get me?
"Where's lee anyway? Doesn't he want some of your specialty pancakes?" I laughed taking a bite into mine.
"He went out early, wedding stuff. I've asked him to give you a little break, I hope you don't mind" he said walking up to me slowly, he focused on my lips a little.
"A break? Why?" I asked confused but also noticing him looking at my lips. This made me feel a little embarrassed.
"You just came out of hospital elle, duh." He said as he wiped the chocolate from the inner corner of my lip using his thumb and laughed "you always were a messy eater" he licked his thumb clean.. which I will say turned me on just a little but I can't even be thinking about that right now.
"Elle.. I just have to ask you one thing.." my heart raced thinking of only one thing.. the letter.
"Sure, go ahead" I said taking a huge bite of my pancake, I was nervous. I told you I would hide behind the food.
"Can I be your date.. to the wedding?" The relief that came over me was unreal. But also that was the sweetest thing he could of asked.
"Awe Noah, of course you can" I said swallowing a massive bite. He laughed and wiped fake sweat from his head "phew I thought you was going so say no for a second" bless him, he's adorable. But all this happiness that I felt, I couldn't help but feel dread.. I know I have to tell him, but if I'm honest it doesn't feel real to me myself.
The day went perfectly, me and Noah watched movies together, just all around had a nice time. I could tell noah was just very concerned about me being in hospital because he didn't let me move a muscle! He made my food, poured me drinks and even got blankets to make me comfortable. I can't help but feel like he got lee out of here just to treat me like this it was nice, and also nice to focus on myself and not Lee's wedding.. I know that may sound bad but I haven't even had time to breathe recently.. I do need to go home at some point god only knows what state I left my house in, but at the moment I'm loving this life right now with Noah. I have to tell him, that's a certainty.
We was in the middle of a movie, he was holding my hand because it was a horror film and he knows I get scared. But all my mind was on is telling him somehow..  I decided to get up and go to the toilet, just to think by myself. He didn't really take any notice of me just smiled at me walking past he was obviously very invested in the movie which worked for me. I walked upstairs into the bathroom of the guest room I was staying in, and closed the door with my back up against it for a few seconds.. I took a few deep breaths and decided to rehearse what I would say to him. I felt awful for keeping this from him, he may not even want to be a father.. and what if I'm just leading him on? Gosh this is so silly. I can't believe the drama I've faced this last week, I also haven't even heard from Jake since, I hope he's ok, I mean I can't technically hate him for what he done because I did the same thing realistically, ok elle stop you're going off track now. Anything not to think of telling him huh? I brushed myself off and laughed I took my back from the door and walked over to the mirror. I spoke to myself "girl you have got this, you are smart, you are loved you don't need verification about this, it will be fine. Even if he doesn't  want this child, you will smash it on your own and you always know you have lee, he's your best friend." I hyped myself up, I had too I was even nervous to say it out loud to myself never mind him. "You're gonna do it, you're gonna tell him! You're gonna go down stairs and say Noah, I'm pregnant.. you're gonna be a father.." i felt a sense of relief saying it to myself but my whole speech was interrupted by someone standing in the doorway and all I could hear was "what. The. Fuck".

Thank you for all the concern, my life is a little crazy right now but getting lost in this story and reading all of your comments is honestly breathtaking, I feel so much better everyday seeing all the votes and comments makes everything better, thank you for your patience ❤️🥰

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