The Way I Feel Tonight

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Elle's POV:
I turned my head so fast my neck could of broke, "Noah?" My heart raced I was in such a panic, my whole world just dropped before, my knees went weak a little.. it was only after I had stopped myself from jumping out the window I spotted
Lee standing in the doorway with his hand over his mouth. I sighed in relief but I knew I would have to explain myself now, I completely forgot that I had been keeping the secret of me and Noah from him, which only made me feel worse. "Lee, you cannot say anything to anyone about what you just heard" I ran over and shut the door behind him. He just stood still in shock.
"Elle, what the fuck is going on, 1, how are you pregnant? And 2 how the fuck is it Noah's?" He didn't seem happy for me in the slightest.
"Keep your fucking voice down he doesn't even know, it's a long story I will tell you everything but I need you to promise me you won't say anything!" I said in a panic, my mind was frantic, I could feel my heart almost beating out of my chest.
"Elle, I won't say anything but what is happening to us once again? How is this something you keep from ME? Every time it comes to Noah you act so different and keep so many secrets from me, you've been fucking my brother behind my back this whole time" he teared up, I could tell I've really hurt him this time and it really hurt me knowing I've done it again.
"Oh lee, it was never meant to be this way, it happened once I am not fucking Noah, it happened once and now I am in this situation, I didn't tell you because I knew how you would react I didn't want to overtake the wedding" tears filled my eyes, I hate fights with him. I just want us to make up right away..
"Elle this is HUGE, what do you even think of me? How could you think that I wouldn't be anything but happy for you?" That broke my heart, he was right I definitely should of told him I don't know what made me doubt him. "I never meant to hurt you Lee, I'm sorry." I began to cry, but I know I'm not meant to get so stressed because it's such a high risk pregnancy it scares me. "You haven't hurt me elle.. I'm just disappointed" just like that my heart completely dropped, I could feel it even break a little. He looked down, and sighed I sat down on the side of the bathtub, and felt sorry for myself this wasn't how it was meant to go, I just wanted everyone to be happy. "But... I guess... rule number 18.. and rule number 16.." ahh those were good ones, rule number 18 'always be happy for your besties successes' and 16 'When your bestie needs you there, you need to be there for your bestie' he got me there. I looked up and smiled, he smiled back and wiped his tears away "you're going to be a mama Elle" I laughed with tears, I wiped my eyes and squeezed him tight. "And you're going to be an uncle" he laughed and hugged me back. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I added, I needed him to know that it wasn't personal. "It's okay elle, im still not ok with the baby being Noah's but it's progress" he joked,  I felt relieved, I had my besties support, even if he found out the wrong way.. "oh shut up" I playfully hit his arm. He laughed back and pulled away to look at me seriously "so.. when are you going to tell him?" He asked changing the mood, ugh the feeling in my gut didn't feel right. "I don't know.. I'm so scared Lee" I looked down at my feet. He lifted my chin up and smiled at me, which felt comforting "what you scared for silly? You have me" I started to cry again, this time with happiness, it flooded me with such relief even if Noah doesn't want this baby, I will always have my best friend and he will help me. "Thank you lee, I love you"
"Ok, enough with this mushy shit Noah is waiting for you downstairs I literally came up to check on you, lucky I offered to before he did really" my eyes widened, oh my god could you even imagine if Noah heard rather than lee.. I guess it would of been so much easier? But that is such a chickens way out. I need to man up and tell him really, I just don't know when.
We both came out of the bathroom I splashed my face with water, just so that He couldn't see that I had been crying. But walked back into the lounge where Noah was just chilling with his feet up watching the movie still "hey you" I said roughing his hair a little, sitting back down lee followed after "I thought you may have been swallowed by the toilet you was gone so long" he's so cute the way he jokes about things. "Very funny, I was just freshening up, idiot" i joked.
"So, when was you gonna tell me about you guys sleeping together?" Lee blurted out, almost like word vomit. My eyes went wide, I felt like I could of died of embarrassment. Noah turned straight to me as if to ask 'how does he know' I done an awkward cough and replied "I told him, I couldn't keep it a secret anymore" I lied to Noah, great. Noah and I both looked at lee, he was standing with his arms crossed like a school teacher I mouthed 'what the fuck why would you ask that' and put my hand on my forehead lee laughed "chill guys, it's fine. I'm happy for you guys.. just one little thing though, now I have forgiven you guys.. please say you'll forgive me?" I raised my lip at him in confusion and Noah asked the question for me "forgive you for what?" Lee cleared his throat and awkwardly put his hands in his pockets looking up at the ceiling making sure not to look at either me or Noah "well, erm... I kind of sort of.. I kind of told Jake him and Chloe could still come to the wedding" I didn't even think before I shouted "YOU WHAT" why would he do that? After everything that happened it's so awkward. "Listen before you go crazy in my defence Rachel is good friends with Chloe and everyone gets a plus one and she chose Jake.. listen if anyone acts up security will forsure kick them out" he looked at us apologetically I couldn't be mad, he's keeping my biggest secret "It's... fine. I guess. I will just keep my distance" I decided to be the adult "Noah?" Lee asked him, who was being awfully silent about the situation "I mean, as long as Elle is okay with it I am, I guess.." he fake smiled, I would tell it was fake because he looked straight back at the tv and he always used to do that he would pretend he's happy just to make me happy. I wonder if he still loves Chloe then if he's upset by it? Or am I over thinking it?
It was getting late, I decided to let it go because I honestly needed some sleep, another day full of emotions that I'm not used to. "I'm gonna get going to bed, I'm super tired but thank you guys, for always being so sweet to me. I think I'll go home tomorrow though, as I can tell I'm taking over the place already" I laughed looking at my mess I have left in places. I'll clean it up tomorrow, I'm exhausted for now. I hugged Lee, and held Noah hand for a little while then took myself up to bed. I'm so nervous about going home to be honest with you, it's going to be very lonely without Jake, it kind of makes me feel a little sad what happened with me and Jake, only because of how good it was at the start, he literally was a dream, and we got along so well now it's almost like I have no idea who that was, maybe I could talk to him before the wedding.. clear the air a little just to make sure there's no drama for the wedding, I don't want my ex being the one who ruined their big day. I got into bed slowly, and just laid down, I could still smell Noah on the pillow, this gave me comfort, I like having him around he's my safety blanket. I closed my eyes trying my best to drift off to sleep, there was just no chance, i just stared at the ceiling, trying to talk myself into breaking the news to Noah. I know it's so silly, he's so sweet and we have such a great connection, I'm just scared it's not what he wants, and it will ruin it all. I rubbed my tummy a little, finally realising I have a life inside of me. I know it's dumb, but it felt nice, to you know.. finally accept I was having a baby. I stood up and looked in the full length mirror, looking down at my stomach pulling my shirt up, trying to mentally picture a baby bump. I felt so cliche. The house was so silent, I heard lee getting into his bed. It's so crazy because even though there's a life inside of me.. I've never felt so.. Lonely. I sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating what I should do.. should I go home? Do I need some normality back?.. I couldn't shake this feeling.. I got up, and walked out of the bedroom door, and before I knew it.. I was at Noah's bedroom door. I took a deep breath, trying to talk myself out of it.. I need to tell him. All of these things I've made up in my head, I need to know the truth, will he stay? Or will he go? I slowly pulled down the handle of his door, and walked in. He was sleeping, with the banker only at his waist.. he looked so adorable, this was always my favourite sight, not in a creepy way but watching Noah sleep was so soothing, just watching his sleek stomach move up and down with every breath he took. I slowly walked over toward him and lifted his blanket cover his chest, I didn't want him getting cold. He opened his eyes, I could see I woke him up. This wasn't my intention. Nobody said anything he just looked in my eyes, then down to my lips, I smiled at him he smiled back and pulled me on top of him gently, he cupped my lower back and put one hand behind my ear kissing me softly, my heart done backflips, I kissed him back passionately running my fingers through his hair. I broke the kiss for air and pulled at my shirt to take it off, he just looked at me he explored every inch of my body, my curves, my breasts, he leaned up to kiss my neck whilst gently pulling the back of my hair a little, it felt so good, I needed more I let out soft moans with every kiss. He pulled the blanket from under me and I was now sitting on top of him we were skin to skin, I could feel his manhood grow between my legs, which made me want him even more.. "I want you noah" I said between moans, be sucked on my neck hard and pushed his crotch up to mine, I couldn't take anymore at this point I needed him inside of me. He pulled back a little and leaned his forehead on mine looking into my eyes "are you sure you want to do this?" He asked making sure he had consent I nodded and bit my lip slightly. He pulled my panties to the side and inserted himself inside of me, I could feel my whole body tense up, my heart also pounding.. and I guess you know how it went.. he was so gentle and sweet, whispering I love you in between moans, it was everything I could of asked for. Afterward we just snuggled up in bed, I did contemplate telling him, but I didn't want to break the mood, I've never felt so in love in my life. He rolled over to face me "I love you.." I said softly pushing his hair out of his face to look into his eyes, he smiled and pecked my lips once "I love you more" my heart once again done backflips, at this rate my heart could be a gymnastic. I finally felt happy, this is where I am meant to be, in bed with Noah. Falling asleep in his arms, the sound of his heartbeat. I felt complete. I slowly drifted away in dream land without a care in the whole world.

Noah's POV:
I was laying alone in my room at Lee's, just thinking about everything.. there was so much going on in my head with Chloe being at the wedding still, Jake being there too.. I still didn't punish him for messing with me for a second time, but I've tried to stay strong for Elle, she hates violence or even aggression for that fact. It's like I know in my head he thinks he has won, because he had elle, then he had Chloe. I just don't know if I can stop myself next time, I left him alone for Elle's sake and it's lucky I did because she ended up in hospital. Which speaking of.. I have such a feeling she's lying to me, but at the same time I feel like she would of told me if it was something that huge..I held my forehead in frustration, all of this was just too much. I ended up falling asleep without realising, but when I woke.. I woke to the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, she came.. she came to me, her eyes almost glistened.. I had never felt so in love with anything in my life than I do with her.. I'm that moment I forgot about everything, any problems or stress I had, it was all gone. I had to make a move, it was almost like a sudden rush of needing her. So I followed my urges through and luckily she felt the same way, we made love.. I think this time felt even more different than times before.. wow. I fell asleep a happy man, with my girl by my side.. except she wasn't my girl.. just yet. I have to get on that at some point... maybe we will talk about it in the morning
I woke up to find Elle wasn't next to me at all, did I dream this whole thing? I smelled my pillow just to be sure and thank god, it did smell just like her. The sweet strawberry sent of her hair.  This didn't actually surprise me though, Elle never really stayed around for cuddles in the morning she was always a busy body had to always be doing something or another. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed, I figured a little breakfast wouldn't go  amiss. But I was also reluctant to find her, I figured we needed to talk, about last night and maybe just figure out what is going on between us, we've slept together twice already, and we're not even properly together yet. I brushed it off for a little while and I went downstairs with hunger in my stomach, I could use some more of those pancakes I made yesterday, to my surprise I found Elle, sitting in the living room with none other than my probable worst enemy.. Jake.

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