The beach house.

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I turned around quickly facing directly out the huge window making sure for Noah not to see me,I took some deep breaths.. my heart was doing backflips ugh god I need to get a grip it's been so long he doesn't even care anymore, we both have someone new, wait who is his someone new.. curiosity got the best of me and before I knew it I was using a plate to hide my face so I could take a peak at them both walking in being greeted by Rachel it was just then it hit me he brought her... Chloe.  "Shelly? Is that you?" My thoughts were interrupted by the man himself, Noah Flynn. A few seconds went by, I tried to pull myself together to actually reply.. "NOAH heyyy".. that was too much omg Elle you're so stupid
"Erm why are you hiding behind a plate?.." my eyes widened, omg how embarrassing I thought fast on my feet and just shot out "ohhhh I just wanted to make sure there was no marks on the China, yeah that's right no marks on the China" I laughed nervously
"Ok.. weirdo I not sure anyone looks at the bottom of the plate but you keep at it" he laughed, it melted me hearing it. In fact just hearing his voice melted me.. I feel like a teen again, it was just that second I realised I still have the plate covering my face, I giggled and pulled it down to lock eyes onto him, he locked his eyes back on me and put one hand up as a wave gesture.
Chloe could see we were having a moment then pulled his hand down to hold it "babe, we need to unpack before lunch.. also Hi Elle" she looked right at me, shooting me a very unconvincing smile, I'm confused they were always just friends, at least that's what I thought but it feels like she did the absolute most to show me that's not true. He nodded at her and did a little salut thing with his two fingers as he went up stairs.
Erm what.. he's STAYING? How am I meant to actually be around him my stomach was in knots.. it will be ok I'm sure

Eventually everyone showed up, and was all sitting around the table a few friends from school, Lee's mom and dad, Rachel's mom and dad, my dad and Brad, Noah.. Chloe. Tell me why Lee thought it was a perfect idea to sit me directly in front of Noah? This day has gone from weird to just plain awkward we haven't even properly had the chance to talk yet either, I think we need to like clear the air so I pick up the courage and picked up my phone and pulled it under the table I figured texting would be the easiest just to simply text him.
'Hey Noah, do you think we could have a chance to talk at some point?' I bit the bullet and pressed send, I could see his phone vibrate on the table, my name popping up. Ahhh that's good, at least his number is still he same he picked up his phone, then put it back down he didn't reply.. oh I didn't know we wasn't on good terms like that I buried my face in my dinner almost with embarrassment I can't believe he didn't reply! It was just then I felt someone kick my foot just slightly to grab my attention, I looked up to Noah looking at me ever so sweetly he smiled and nodded, signalling a yes to me. Thank god, he said we can talk, wait why didn't he just text me back? I look over to a clingy Chloe clutching onto Noah's arm and her head on his shoulder, ohhh that must be the reason. I smiled back at him. And went about the rest of the dinner, I offered to clean the plates up, as we have all decided we will go for drinks at the beach house in kind of celebration I picked up the plates, one by one "hey let me help you there.." Noah said picking a few plates up himself
"oh ok" I smiled to myself he still felt protective over me I could feel it. We took the plates over to the sink, and snuck in a few seconds to chat without everyone looking at us.
"So you brought Chloe huh?"
I broke the ice, by somehow asking a very straightforward question which tbh I didn't really want an answer to
"Errrm yeah, she and I have gotten close recently, I thought why not give it a try" he laughed nervously, putting plates into the sink.
"Cool, that's nice." Why did I feel so annoyed by this I shouldn't feel so annoyed by this.. oh but I do.
"What did you want to talk about anyway? I know it's been a while, but I just wanted you to know that I'm still here for you always Elle." He pushed a strand of hair to behind my ear, just like he always used to. My heart skipped a beat I can't believe he's here, so much has happened it just feels insane
"Thank you, Noah.. I've missed you"... oh shit, that just blurted right out of my mouth like word vomit I mean he's been my friend since I was a baby right missing him would be fine, it's nothing. Before I could think about anything else he replies "I missed you too" we had sort of a moment, one of those you know.. time stood still moments.. things are still here with me and Noah I can just tell. No Elle, stop it you have a boyfriend now and he quite clearly has a girlfriend so you just need to get a hold of yourself and move on.
"Are you going to the beach house after this?" I asked him, politely but also smartly to break the silence.
"Yeah of course, I wouldn't miss it. Are you going?" He puts the last plate into the sink, and faces me I faced him back and smiled "yeah of course, I have no choice Lee would kill me" he laughed at my words, he knows it was true.
"Ahh gotcha. You look good Elle.. real good. I better head back into Chloe or she will be wondering where I am.." he hugged me once, almost as if he felt as though he needed to, and went to walk back into the dining area.. I quickly piped up and asked "Noah, are we good?" Before he could exit the doorway.
He turns to me and smiles that cute lopsided one he does and nods
"We're always good elle" he continues to walk out and just like that I was alone again... with my feelings and my thoughts what does this even mean, I couldn't stop thinking about his hand at the back of my ear.. or the way he smiled and the fact he said he missed me too.. I brushed myself off, and picked up the courage to walk back inside.
"Elle! There you are my saviour" Lee rushed over to me in excitement. He was just happy, I could tell. And he's allowed to be I mean after all he's marrying his first love! It's incredibly romantic.
"What are you after now?" I laughed and asked Lee in concern he's never usually this nice to me there's a catch forsure
"Nothing! I think it's time we headed out to the beach house don't you?" He smiled at me menacingly I smiled back
"Damn right!" I can just tell you now, this is going to be eventful. This is gonna lead to either lee and I having one too many, and cringing about what we've done in the morning. But oh well, I'm in need of a stuff drink if I'm honest with you.

-At The Beach House-
Music was blasting, I have no idea how they manage to find a DJ so quickly. Drinks were flowing, and we was all having a good time, I could see Noah dancing stupidly with Chloe, which made my blood boil if I'm honest with you.
Why oh why.... This is just beyond silly now Elle he's moved on and so have you... haven't you? I asked myself whilst knocking back a few vodka soda's. Before I knew it I was a little tipsy, I was happily socialising with my best friend and I get tap on my shoulder, I turned suspiciously and smiled
"Jake, hey! I didn't know you was coming!" I laughed and gave him a hug.. ok cool now it doesn't look like I'm so lonely, Noah looks loved up I don't want him to think I'm just pining over him. Jake broke my thoughts with a peck on the lips, I kissed him back making it a little bit more passionate. He broke the kiss and faced me "lee invited me, why didn't you?" At this point he was standing with his hands on my hips and my arms were around his neck shit, he's right why didn't I invite him over? I had to think on my feet a little
"Oh honey, I didn't think you would want to come, plus it was just a last minute thing.. but I'm glad you're here" I saved that one thank god! Hopefully this night will go well.

Noah's POV:
Damn, being back here sure brought a lot of memories huh.. I had a little chat with Elle earlier in the kitchen, it was strange to be honest with you, seeing my first real girlfriend being around all of the family again makes me feel like I did when things all began. We're all different now, in some ways. I live in New York I'm in the law business, Lee is getting married to Rachel, Elle is a games designer.. things have certainly took a turn for the best though.
Thing is I've never been able to move on from it, though I've always knew that one day that part of my life would be back to kick me in the ass. Elle is still the love of my life, I don't think I'll ever not feel butterflies when I see her. I still remember the first day we saw each other romantically I was at the kissing booth originally because I felt guilty, Elle had asked me to do it and I flat out refused but something kept telling me to go back there even if it was just one kiss with someone at least they couldn't be mad at me for not showing up right? So I went there and to my surprise she came out blindfolded.. which means I was to kiss her next. I was nervous, we had been friends since we could all talk, but I was a bad boy I couldn't be showing it. She was clearly more nervous than me, she kept rambling on about her past experiences that had all failed when I just cut her up by kissing her.. and wow that kiss. I will never forget it, I had probably kissed 100 girls prior to this but nothing had EVER felt like this before, butterflies and fireworks all of it was going on in my stomach. It was then I knew I had felt something just that little bit more, for her my brothers best friend.. Elle Evans.
You're probably wondering why I brought Chloe with me, right? Well to tell you the truth I don't love Chloe, I honestly don't think I ever will. I just didn't want people to think I was a loner, and Chloe has been crushing on me pretty hard the past few months. So I figured why not just bring her.. it's bad right? I know. But I knew Elle would be there, and I needed her to see I wasn't hung up on her. Even if I was haha.
We're all at the beach house now, having a few drinks and dancing. Chloe and I always do this stupid dance together which is more embarrassing than I can explain, I was having fun.. that was until I saw it. In the corner of my eye I seen her. Elle, wasn't alone here she had brought someone, he was actually good looking, I have to say, he had black hair, he was tall and dressed well. My heart dropped, as I was examining him to see the sight of them kissing.. I'm not entirely sure what made me do this but I grabbed Chloe's hand and grabbed her over to introduce myself to him.. Elle's boyfriend.

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