Part Seven

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Glorious purpose. 

Was this really what his glorious purpose was? Finding a way to steal an immortality apple so he could be with the one he loved longer? 

Well, if it was his glorious purpose, then Loki couldn't be mad. He quite liked you. Maybe you would even agree to try and conquer worlds with him. You could be a power couple with him, and no one would ever say anything different. 

Sometimes he felt like he was too possessive, that he was denying you the choice to be with whoever you wanted. But then he remembered why would you be with anyone else when you could have him? 

Stop it Loki. She's not yours. Sighing, Loki had to agree with his inner mind. You were not his. And you might never be if his thoughts keep going like they are now. Loki needs to learn that he can't control everything- most certainly not others, anyway. But he found it so hard to let go such control, especially after learning that his whole life had been under the control of Odin until not long ago. 

But enough of these thoughts. Now he had to find a way to get the apple. This would be dangerous for him, considering that if he was found in Asgard, then he would immediately be sentenced to death. Anyone could take a shot at him if they saw him on that planet. Even getting into Asgard would be difficult, but Loki was willing. He'd found on his time at Earth that there were a few 'pockets' in the realm that connected to the other realms through Yggdrasil, the world tree. There was one that connected to the undertones of Asgard, completely hidden from view on both sides, so the chance on finding him straight away was very near zero. He just had to research the place more, and then he would be able to teleport there. 

It turned out that the place he needed to go was Deception Island. After looking at computers in a public library (he, over time, had learnt to adjust to the ways of the humans, including their "modern" technology), he had enough information to teleport there. 

Loki took a deep breath in. For her. 

But the thing is, he wasn't even sure if she would accept it. 

There was a real beauty to deception island, one that Loki hadn't seen too much of it in his life. The island definitely lived up to its name, with a beautiful array of colours with an active volcano not too far. There were also... what was the name again? Pengans? Pingins? On the island. All in all, a nice reprieve from the usual sights that he saw.  The passage to Asgard was just nearby the volcano. He should be able to quickly gain access and get in, hopefully without Heimdall watching him. Loki didn't know if Heimdall would rat on him or not, and he was not ready for Odin to come after him. 

After taking another deep breath in (he seemed to like doing those lately) Loki set track on for the portal, thankful that the walk wouldn't be too long and that he had nice things to look at. 

But he better hurry. His skin was starting to turn blue. And who knows what else might be out here.


"Ugh," you mutter. You'd just finished work and was currently stumbling into your apartment, throwing the keys in a random place that you'll find later. At the moment, all you wanted (and needed, that's for sure) was a shower. A long, hot shower.

You walked to the bathroom when your phone goes off. You glance down at it, expecting it to be Amy- can she wait fifteen minutes?- but it's your mum instead. Surprised, you answer. The shower can wait for a couple more minutes. 

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