"I'm fine with that. I'll go throw on some clothes."

I stood up from his lap then went to my room, shutting the door behind me. I went to my dresser, taking out a pair of pants and a tee shirt. With a sigh, I stripped out of my clothes and changed into new ones then went to the bathroom.

My phone buzzed on the counter and I groaned quietly before answering.

"What is it?" I mumbled.

"Hey. You busy today?" Lola asked.

"I'm about to go out with Carter. Why, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored. I'm sitting in my room with not a thing to do."

"You'll be fine. We can hang out when I get back, whenever that'll be," I told her before pouring mouthwash in my mouth.

"Nice to know you brush your teeth."

I spat in the sink then said, "Fuck you."

"Love you too! Use protection!"

She hung up before I could reply. I rolled my eyes then rinsed off my mouth before walking back out of the bathroom. Pushing my hair back, I went into my room then slid on a pair of shoes. I went back into the kitchen and Carter was leaning against the front door while swinging his keys.

His eyes made his way to me and he urged me to him with his finger. I walked to him and he pulled me by my hand before his lips were on mine. Bringing an arm around his neck, I kissed him back with a quiet hum. He placed his hands on my lower back and pulled me closer before slowly pulling away, licking his lips.

"Come on," he said, grinning then walked out with my hand in his.

I locked the door behind us then followed him to his car. He unlocked the door then opened the passenger side, letting me in. He then jogged to his side and got in.

The engine roared to life before he sped off while holding my hand in his. I leaned back in my seat then looked out of the window.

"What's your favorite color?" Carter asked me, tapping my hand.

"Red and blue. You?"

"Orange. Birthday?"

"September twenty-fifth," I said, sitting up a bit more. "You?"

"October thirteenth."

"Oh, it isn't that far behind," I chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled, shaking his head.

I started to pick with my nails while glancing out the window.

"You do that a lot."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's only when I'm thinking or just my anxiety," I told him. "Nothing too serious."

He nodded his head, humming.

"I always wanted to ask you... how come you've never mentioned your family?"

I seen his body tense up slightly as he let out a deep sigh.

"My mother was a druggie and my father was basically her dealer. When they kicked me out, I haven't spoken to any of them," he sighed, tightening his grip on the wheel. "I have three siblings, two older brothers and a younger sister. The only one that actually has any love for me is my sister... but I can't see her."

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"They forbidden me. They moved all the way across the country and so I haven't seen or spoken to any of them."

"Carter, I'm so sorry," I whispered, rubbing his hand with my thumb.

"It's alright. I lived with it and now I'm leaving that behind me," he started, running a hand through his hair. "I lived through hell, got my ass cooked, and now I'm here."

I pursed my lips, humming and glanced forward when we stopped at a red light.

Carter turned my head back to him, cupping my cheek.

"Don't look all upset because of me. I'm alright, Red."

"You don't deserve to go through that," I said, looking at him.

"No one does, but it's life. It did some good as you can see," he said, grinning.

"Whatever you say," I chuckled.

"Now, how about you, huh? Tell me about your family."

"Well, I haven't talked to them in years... until recently. I left home because of my ex and I never spoke to them after that. They're just finding out about what he did to me and we're working on getting the bond that we had back. I didn't realize how much I missed them all..."

"At least you talked to them. Better late than never, you know?"

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I even saw my little sister and it was great."

I felt myself smile then laugh a bit, shaking my head.

"Look at that smile," Carter spoke up, smiling.

"And look at yours," I said, smiling back.

"I like seeing you smile," he said, intertwining our hands.

"I like your smile. I've always seen that smug grin and smirk... but never a smile," I told him. "It's nice to see."

Carter's cheeks reddened as he sped off again, turning back to the round. I shook my head, laughing a bit and leaning back in my seat.

"If you don't mind me asking... how'd you get with your last ex?"


"I'm not saying her name or I'll barf."

"Anyways," I chuckled. "We met at my job and just like everyone else, she started off nice and sweet and then once she got comfortable... it went downhill from there," I sighed, looking out of the window.

"Well, guess what. I'm going to do what your exes couldn't do, Red. So, have some faith in me, alright?"

I nodded my head with a smile, holding his hand tightly as he continued the drive.

Guess it wouldn't hurt to give him a shot.

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