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Jason, of course, was pounding on my door, waking me up. I didn't get up to open the door because I didn't want to explain what happened last night.

Why didn't I see it coming? I'm so stupid.

I sighed to myself, hugging the pillow tightly and attempting to go back to sleep before the door slammed open.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I mumbled.

"Picking the lock. Now, you're gonna tell me why the hell you're still in bed and it's almost six. What's going on with you?" Jason asked, attempting to pull the blanket off of me.

I tightened my grip around it, pulling it over the more.

"Just leave me alone, alright?"

"Like that's going to happen. Did Erica come over here?"

I shook my head, quickly wiping off a tear.

"Scarlett Moore. Tell me what happened." His tone softened and I felt the bed dip beside me.

"She cheated again. I know I shouldn't be surprised but it just hurts more every-time she does it. I tried breaking up with her but.."

"But what, Scarlett?"

"She didn't want that. Instead, she came to the house crying and screaming. I told her to get her things, but it didn't go as planned. We got in a fight and she... shoved me a bit and I hit the counter," I mumbled the last part, keeping my face towards the wall.

Jason hummed quietly before slowly pulling my blanket back. I let him and I lifted my shirt a bit, showing the bruise on my stomach.

He sighed. "Come on. I'll get you some ice."

I turned over and he already walked out of the room. Before I went to the living room, I passed by the bathroom and shut the light on, running a hand over my jaw. The swelling went down since I pretty much slept with an ice pack.

No more chewing on that side, I guess.

Jason handed me an ice pack once I went into the living room and told me to lay back on the couch. A quiet hiss left my lips when I pressed the ice pack against my stomach. Jason then sat next to me and looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Tell me this isn't another Liam situation," he mumbled.

"It's not another Liam situation, Jason," I said, looking down at my lap.

"You're lying to me and I don't like it."

"I'm not lying, okay? You asked and I gave you an answer," I told him, looking back at him.

He scooted closer to me then shook his head.

"Your eyes are going dull just like before, Scarlett."

I looked away, fidgeting with my nails.

"And now you're doing your nail fidget thing. It's just repeating all over again, man," he grumbled, standing up.

"Jason, it's not-"

"If you're have to lie to your best friend, then obviously somethings going on. What's even worse, is that it's mainly going on in our house and you won't tell me. I've told you everything about everything and you can't even tell me when you're in another fucked up situation," he snapped, going to the refrigerator.

If I tell him, she'll just hit me all over again.

I stood silent and went on my phone, looking at Lola's messages.

𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 | ✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora