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When I awoke, I groaned quietly at the pounding feeling in my head. My eyes were tightly shut before they fluttered open as I winced slightly. I moved my hand around but it was tightly bound to the other behind my back. Quickly look around, my feet were also tied together, preventing me from moving.

I blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness, my heart starting to race. When it finally cleared, my eyes slightly widened and I began thrashing against the chair.

It was cold, lit up by dim lighting, and it was empty. From what I seen, I was the only person in here.

My shoes were gone and tape was securely placed over my mouth. The cold air was making my body shiver and I was doing everything I could to get out of this stupid chair.

"The guest of honor is finally awake," Liam spoke up, clapping. "Enjoyed your nap?"

I slowly looked up at him, backing away with the chair. He chuckled quietly and walked up to me, pulling my head back.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, sweetheart. Just want us to be together again," he whispered, harshly patting my cheek then ripping the tape off, earning a grunt from me.

"You're sick," I muttered, looking back at him.

"Maybe... but I do know that you belong to me. Me, and only me!"

"I'm not yours! I stopped being yours the second you started to abuse me, Liam!" I yelled.

"I loved you, Scarlett! And you took advantage of that. All I wanted... was to love you," he said.

"Yet, you made my life a living hell. Putting me in hospital after hospital, taking me away from my friends and family, almost killing me. If that's love to you... then you really need help."

He clenched his jaw then walked up to me, gripping mines tightly and tilting my head up.

"You don't know what you're talking about," he muttered angrily.

"I was fucking there," I snapped. "I lived through it all!"

"Stop fucking talking! You're just sputtering out bullshit."

"Fuck you," I spat, spitting in his face.

He stumbled back slightly, wiping his cheek with his sleeve. Slowly looking back at me with wild eyes, his palm met with my cheek hard. Gripping my jaw again, he pulled me to him and pulled a gun out of his waistband to then tap it against my cheek.

"Now... you're going to be in a living hell. I tried to be nice to you, baby, I-I really did," he chuckled, pressing the gun harder against my cheek.

"Liam, l-listen to me-"

"I'm done listening to you! For once, you're gonna listen to me. You're not fucking going anywhere and you need to understand that, Scarlett. In the morning, we're leaving... and not one soul will see you again, you hear me?"

My eyes widened and I started to thrash against the chair again, groaning loudly. Liam cocked the gun back and I flinched slightly, shutting my eyes tightly. A tear slid down my cheek and he moved behind me, beginning to untie my hands then my feet.

He grabbed my hair roughly and pulled me up to my feet and into another room. The gun in my back was the only thing preventing me from fighting back or trying to run. I still didn't know if he intended to kill me, but I didn't want to find out.

Liam brought me to another room then tossed me to the bed that was in it. He walked around it and tied my down with the rope while making sure to keep his eyes stuck on me. Before I could speak, another piece of tape was over my mouth and all I could do was silently cry.

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