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"It was either kill or be killed," I said, running my hands through my hair.

"Scarlett, we're not blaming you. We're just... kind of shocked," Lola chuckled, sitting beside me.

"Shocked, why?"

"Didn't think you had it in you," Jason said. "But what matters is that you're alright. What'd she come here for anyways?"

"Apparently Joseph is dead," I told him.

"You're kidding."

I shook my head and rested my head in my hand.

"Do they know who did it?" Lola asked, glancing at me.

"She automatically thought it was me since I was the last one to see him-" I stopped mid sentence then brought my eyes to Lola.

"What?" She asked, instantly looking away.

"Did you have anything to do with it?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"What? What makes you say that?"

"Because you and Carter were the last people to know, and when I woke back up, the only one who was here was Jason. Now, spill."


"Lola," I warned.

"Okay, okay," she sighed. "It wasn't just me, alright? Carter was involved as well."

"We're gonna talk about this. Call him here, now."

She groaned dramatically then pulled out her phone, quickly tapping before placing it against her ear. I watched intently as she tapped her foot on the ground before her posture straightened.

"Hey, Carter," she chuckled nervously. "We kind of need you to Scarlett's place. Like, now."

"What're you gonna do?" Jason asked, nudging me gently.

"I'll figure that out when he gets here," I replied.

"Not an emergency- well, it will be if Scarlett gets anymore madder," she said, glancing my way. "Okay, see you in a little bit."

Lola hung up the phone then looked my way, smiling.

"Don't smile at me. You know I don't like all these secrets and shit," I said, standing up and going to the fridge.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I would've told you, but it isn't my place to," she said, following me.

"What do you mean it's not your place, Lola?" I sighed, taking out the wine bottle then a glass.

"He said he wanted to tell you when the time is right, so... I guess that'll be today. Just don't be frantic when he tells you."

"No promises," I muttered, pouring myself a glass.

Lola sighed from beside me and looked down at her feet. I went to the couch, bringing the wind with me before sitting on it. Jason plopped down next to me, bringing his hands behind his head.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, clicking on a random movie. I took a few sips of my wine, licking my lips and leaning back. Jason brought an arm around my shoulder, bringing my attention him.

"You look frustrated. Got to give you some best friend comfort," he said, grinning.

"Thanks," I chuckled, leaning my head onto his shoulder. "Want a drink?"

"Nah, not right now. I'll probably get drunk later."

"You off tonight?" I asked him.

He nodded his head then said, "Got somebody covering my shift. We might have to look for more people to hire."

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