Oliver (7)

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Olivers POV

She doesn't want me near her. I have this urge just to tell her she's my mate. But that might do more harm then good. I know she saw me last night and that must be part of the reason as to why she thinks it is best for me to stay away from her.

For the rest of the school day it's boring. In Math's she sits as far way from me as possible. Lunch time she sat next to Cassy and I notice when our gazes met she instantly looked away. My wolf is in bad mood now.

I am frustrated that I finally have excepted the whole mate thing, and now my own mate doesn't even want to associate with me. It makes me mad. No it makes me furious for some reason not understanding. Secrets.

Tonight, an hour I get home form school I have the rest of the night training. 5:00 to 10:00. It sucks but at least the whole gang will be there. And I need to blow off a little steam.

For the next two hours its basic warm up. Running, weights, more running, pull ups... more running. Beta Thomas, Trent's dad likes to make us work harder. Especially for the warriors in training, which includes me.

Its about 9 when we split off and we practice on our fighting technique. Trent, Zach, Lucas and I go to the further borderline of the field. Cassy decided not to join us. She usually takes pleasure in hitting the crap out of Trent. Or when she can, Trent is pretty impossible to beat, even on his bad days. But that doesn't mean he can beat me that easily.

"What's up with you today?" Trent asks as we circle each other. I try focusing on the fight then all the other buzzing things that are in my head.

"Why would you think something's wrong?" I huff out , annoyed.

"Because I know you better then anyone." He says cautiously and springs for me. I get out the way in time. I feel him swing around with his arm, which I block but then his foot bends around my ankle and its enough to force me on my back. So much for focusing.

"Because you would have seen my foot coming." He says, touring over me. I huff out in frustration and slam my head on the ground. Trent just laughs and I think he is about to help me up when a flying bright blue object crashes into Trent's head. In mere seconds Trent's head whips around from the direction it came and I see his scowl.

"Opps Sorry..." I hear Cassy's voice approaching, the humor is evident in her voice.

"You did that on purpose." He growls. I get up myself and turn to see Cassy and Kelsey running towards us.

"What do you mean I did it on purpose, I'm sorry if you got in the way of my Frisbee." She says, with raised eyebrows. I wonder if one day Trent will realize Cassy is just trying to reel him up all the time.

"I got in the way, what is it, your life goal to annoy me when ever possible." Trent says towering over Cassy. But Cassys stands her ground.

"Ha, isn't it yours with you and you endless supply of females that seem to keep reappearing each night at you beckon call."

The bickering continues and I notice Kelsey come stand next to me. Its awkward seeing how we use to be really close. And I mean really close. Now we act like strangers around each other.

"Hey Ollie" The way she use to say my name made me happy, I don't feel that way anymore.

"Hey." I keep it short. I don't really have anything to say to her.

"You seemed pretty quiet today?"

Why does everyone notice these things. Was it that obvious I was upset.

"Got a lot on my mind." I say back simply.

"I'm not going to get your stupid Frisbee." Trent raises his voice, bringing us back to the now heated argument.

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