21. Theories and Secrecy

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    The sun had passed its highest point by the time Mikael and Estelle bathed and dressed themselves. True to her word, Estelle borrowed a pair of pants from Lysander for Mikael. It took all of her self control not to blush when Lysander had laughed at her and gestured to the marks on her neck and shoulders. 

    She'd chosen to change into a shirt with a high collar, while Mikael pulled on a shirt that displayed his neck. He couldn't be convinced to cover the marks she'd left on him, even when she pointed out the likelihood of her father physically injuring him.

    Estelle could do nothing but laugh and embrace him tightly. Ever since they'd first shared a bed, Mikael had proudly flaunted every scratch, bite, and kiss that she left on him. Marks he asked her to leave.

She wasn't sure why. Perhaps he wanted to show the world that he was claimed. Perhaps he wanted to make people envious of him. Perhaps he was proud to be her mate, proud that she was his, and he wanted to show off every possessive mark she left on him.

Whatever the reason, Mikael never covered them up. He wore them like scars gained in battle. Like the warrior tattoos he had earned alongside her. She loved it. She loved him.

    Mikael finished up a hasty letter to his fathers and with a wave of his hand, it vanished. He sat back in his chair, a contemplative look filling his chestnut gaze. "I need to tell you what I found."

    "And we need to discuss what we discovered in the torture chamber," Estelle agreed. "But everyone else will want to be filled in too. I think we should call a meeting."

    "Who do you want there?"

    "Uncle Rhys' Inner Circle. Aunt Elain. Your fathers." Estelle pursed her lips. "And Devlon. He'll want to hear this."

    "Do you want Calden, Celeste, and Sienna to come?"

    Estelle shook her head. "I think we should keep this confined to only those who have to know. We need to compile what new information we've gathered and determine how large of a threat we're facing."

    Mikael lowered his gaze, a frown crossing his lips. "If the information I found is to be believed..." he glanced up at her, "this is a lot bigger than we thought."

    His anxiety washed over the Bond and Estelle came closer, pressing his head against her stomach as she rubbed his shoulder. "Let's go organize a meeting, Batsy," Mikael murmured at last. "I can't keep this to myself any longer." He stood and wrapped an arm around her as they left the room.


    It took a little over an hour to gather all of the attendants for the meeting, which would be held at Rhys and Feyre's estate. Everyone but Elain was coming. Shortly after Estelle sent a letter to her aunt, Helion had written, saying that Elain, Lucien, and Lucien's mother, Larilis, had been summoned to the Autumn Court unexpectedly.

    The news left a dark seed of unease in the pit of Estelle's stomach. She couldn't brush off the sense that something had happened. Why else would Eris summon his mother, half brother, and sister in law to his Court without a word of warning? Estelle attempted to push the thought aside, but it stuck like an itch she couldn't scratch.

She hovered in one corner of the sitting room, wringing her hands. Mikael kept his hand on her waist, obviously aware of her emotions. He stroked the Bond soothingly. His own tension drifted across it, although Estelle knew he was trying to stifle the feeling.

Being apart from her so long and their time together that morning had taken its toll on Mikael. She could sense his fiercely protective instincts, even as he tried to smother them. He shot warning glares at anyone whose gaze lingered on her too long, whether it was Lysander, her cousins, her uncles, or even her aunts. Thankfully, no one challenged Mikael. She knew it would not have ended well if they had.

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