"Um....I have social anxiety. I visted a psychiatrist after the accident and started going on meds. It doesn't mix well with alcohol."

"Oh. I never knew that."

"Is it my turn then? This is actually difficult." He said. "I got one. You and Veer are twins. You were your daddy's princess. Dhruv is just your friend. Which is the lie?"

"I was NOT my baba's princess. He didn't like me. He didn't hate me too. He just liked Veer more because he was a boy, unlike me. My path was set the moment I was born. I was supposed to be the best, I was supposed to learn to cook, to clean, and then marry a wealthy man who can help propel my family's party. I was brought up to always be sold like I'm a broodmare. Veer got everything he wanted. He just decided one day he didn't want to marry Priya and it was done. I could've never said no. And if I had, no one would've listened." She raised her lashes to look at him but he wasn't looking at her.

"But you're still a princess though. A queen even."

"Whose?" She snorted.

"Mine.I mean it is upto you to call me daddy or not."

"Shut up! God! You're so bad." She laughed, her wine almost tipping over the mattress. He didn't say anything about her snub about the forced marriage. The guilt plucked her stomach again. "How was your childhood? How was your relationships with your parents?"

" I don't have memories of my parents. They died when I was like a toddler or something. And my childhood was bad, darling. I think I primarily have social anxiety because of my days in the boys hostel. When you're an orphan in a hostel full of rowdy boys, you're an easy target. Still, it's over now."

Sakshi stayed quiet. There was a sense of loneliness in his eyes and she knew it so well because she had felt it too when she had married him.

"Whose turn it is? Mine I think? I'll go ahead. You have a mistress. You have a girlfriend. You spent our wedding night with your mistress." She didn't know why she had brought it up. At once, his eyes hardened and he took two huge gulps out of his wine.

"That's unfair because you think all of them are true." He said his tone reeling far away.

"Are they?" She tipped her head and challenged him.


"Oh. Tell me more."

"I have already told you, darling. I don't have mistresses. I don't have a girlfriend too."

"What about the third one?"

"That's true."

"Aren't you being contradictory?!" She snapped her anger flowing through her body

"Nothing happened that night. Even if I went to her, nothing happened."

"You want me to believe you?" Sakshi scoffed.

"It is the truth. That won't change." He argued back.

She snorted and gave out a twisted laugh, "So, you have been faithful for all of these years?"


"Lies. I can literally prove you wrong. I have an audio recording of you, you know? Are you going to still disown the facts?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that it isn't me in the audio recording? That my mistress, former mistress was mad at you because you decided to one up her and tried to scare her?"

"I don't know whether to believe that or no."

"You don't have to. Nor can I prove it. All we can do is move forward and leave the past behind. I never knew it bothered you so much. You never mentioned."

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now