Part 1 - The Awakening - Chapter Nine: New Symbol Powers

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Chapter Nine

New Symbol Powers


            What Karone said to me, left an imprint. As much as I hated to admit it, it was the only way to save my brother. If this was the sacrifice I was going to have to do to save him, then as a brother, I was going to do it.

            I stared at the Saif. It was glowing with power. A power I did not want. It was a power that brought grief as well as fear. I could not see myself as a power ranger. I knew how to fight and could throw mean punches if I had to, compliments to Troy having taught me to master Ninjutsu, and other focusing and meditative techniques to find my inner balance. At the moment I was trying to find that inner balance inside me, only I couldn’t. My inner balance was nonexistent at the moment. I didn’t even know how to regain it. That’s how lost I was currently feeling.

Since being here at the Shiba house for the last few days, while my dad, Karone, and the other rangers tried to find clues as to my brother’s whereabouts, my mom was teaching me how to make potions, elixirs, as well as other concoctions. It had its challenges because it required quite a bit of skill to do them, but I was picking up quickly. When it came to potions, Elixirs, and concoctions, you had to make sure you did it the correct way.

Potions for the most part contained magical and power properties that could be used to vanquish and destroy monsters. Some however, also had medicinal purposes, and if done the right way, one could duplicate their powers with it. As for Elixirs, they were used for medicinal purposes, intended to heal or restore in several ways. Sometimes it could be used to restore your powers if they were somehow taken from you, which was often a risk at times, depending on the kind of monster you were fighting.

At the moment I was trying to gather the ingredients to make a potion that actually allowed you to teleport from one place to another. It was one that my mom told me to be careful with, because if you didn’t use it the right way, you could end up on the other side of the world in a matter of seconds. She also said that these teleporting types of potions could also be used to transport oneself from one planet to another. This one was a lot harder to make, seeing that something like that generally for the most part, took a lot of work and dedication to fulfill.

At the moment, I was tempted to grab one of the special calligraphy paint brushes the rangers used to draw their symbol powers. I knew I could do the Kanji ones they used, but I wanted to draw some Arabic symbols to see if it produced something, the way their symbols did. I had a feeling they would not approve of me using Arabic symbols, and perhaps it might not even work, but I felt the need to try.

I decided to go for a walk, unable to sit here any longer. I headed to Jayden’s room and grabbed his calligraphy brush so I could use symbol powers. Plus, if those symbol powers were as powerful as they said they are, then I could use it to do just about anything I needed to protect myself and those I loved. Maybe it might even help me locate Troy and save him. Something told me that neither Jayden or the other Samurai rangers, were going to be willing to teach me how to use symbol powers, so that meant that I had to teach myself, and for me to do that, I had to get out and practice outside of these walls.

After grabbing the calligraphy brush, I walked into the living room to see if I could sneak out before anyone saw me. Suddenly, an alarm went off and then Jayden, Mia, Emily, Mike, Antonio, then Gia, Emma, and Jake appeared.

            Master Ji and Jayden opened a holographic image on the coffee table, and located where the attack was taking place.

            “They’re in the plaza” said Master Ji.

Power Rangers: The Saif Warrior (Book One)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz