Part 2 - A New Evil Arises - Chapter Twenty: Between a Soft and a Hard Place

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Chapter Twenty

Between a Soft and a Hard Place


            Troy was back to being himself, Troy, and for that I was happy. Still, as happy as I was that he was back to being 'him', something stood in the way of me being one hundred percent happy. I couldn't really pinpoint exactly what it was that was still keeping me in that frame of mind. All I knew was that neither of us were the same people, especially after what happened to Kevin. An experience like that, clearly left a mark in our souls. It was something that neither of us were going to be able to get over.

            I really needed to breathe some new air. I decided to walk over to Ernie's Brain freeze for some froyo, then afterwards to Alyssa's Starbucks. Entering Ernie's Brain Freeze, I could not wait to grab myself something with vanilla and chocolate, and lots of strawberries and kiwis. Probably a weird combo, but hey if it worked for me, then it worked.

            As I walked in, Ernie immediately shot me that smile of his. "Hey" he said in his funny accent. "If you're looking for your brother, he's right over there with his friends" he pointed, smiling.

            "What?" I asked, hoping that Troy was not here. I turned to my right and sure enough, he was with Emma, Gia, Jake, Noah, Jayden, Mia, Emily, Mike, and Antonio. And of course, Mike was tossing less than friendly looks.

            "Wait, you didn't come here to look for your brother?" asked a confused Ernie.

            "Actually, I didn't even know he would be here."

            "Oh" said Ernie, clearly feeling awkward.

            "I'll take my usual choco/vanilla froyo."

            "Strawberries and kiwi?"

            "Extra on both...pleez" I begged, smiling.

            "Sure" he chuckled.

            Troy, Emma, and Gia got up and walked over to me. "And that will be to go" I told Ernie.

            "In a hurry much?!" said an angry Gia, clearly trying to challenge me in her less than kind way.

            "Why do you care?!" I snapped.

            "Hey, enough attitude" Troy warned. "I've been calling you all week since well..."

            "Yeah, I know. I just need to be alone" I said.

            "We're brothers...what is it with you these days?" Troy asked, his tone sad.

            I felt bad for being the tough knot I was, but at the same time I didn't want to engage with him on my reasons, and how hard it has been for me. Then there was the part where he was probably going to try and force me into the ranger business. That was definitely not a conversation I wanted to have with him or his friends.

            Then there was Jayden, who was our cousin, and thus also being part of the Shiba family line.

            "Troy, I'm really not in the mood to argue with you about this, so don't!" I warned.

            "You're really starting to piss me off!" Gia got all angry with me, like she was my big sis.

            "Leave the big sis hostility to Troy!" I tossed.

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