First day of the ultimate evil plan

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"What do you do as a villain?"

To say this surprised Hisashi would be rather correct. He definitely did bot expect his lovely son to ask that. But ehat did he mean? He surely must've meant what Hisashi does, right?

But that is wrong. What he wanted to know was what he should do as a villain? Hisashi thought that Izuku would be satisfied if he told him that he doesn't do things, which are too bad, after all he still tried to be a good father.

So he answered:

Hisashi: "I take quirks of those who don't want theirs, I give people quirks who really want one and I do murder people, heroes rather, but only bad people."

Izuku: "No dad, I meant what I should do as one."

Hisashi: "What?"

Izuku: "That All Might killed mom clearly means that heroes aren't that good, right? So I should help you destroy them, right?"

Hisashi: "Yes, I mean no,... if that's what you really want, then I suppose you could cooperate with my current project."

Izuku: "What project dad?"

Hisashi: "It's called Nomu."

Izuku: "So the toy?"

Hisashi: "No that was a lie. It actually is an experiment in which I give people more quirks than their normal body can handle. And by doing that, they become very strong and almost unbeatable. The only problem is, they literally lose 5heir mind. Like, it's gone. They can't think anymore and because of that they can't do anything. They are just mindless, unmoving, strong creatures."

Izuku: "So, they could move?"

Hisashi: "If I could give them a peace of mind, yeah."

Izuku: "Then I am perfect for this!"

Hisashi: "I see. Then the plan shall be put in motion! But, I have to teach you some things you don't learn anywhere else. Things that only villains do."

Izuku: "I'm ready for anything to make that son of a ***** pay!"

Hisashi: "What?! Where did you learn that?!"

Izuku: "Kacchan says it all the time."

Hisashi: "I think you can't see him anymore. Unless you can act like you still hate villains and admire All Might. Can you do that?"

Izuku: "Yes!"

Just like that Izuku, unknown to the outside world, became a "Villain" in society's eyes. Him and his father created a plan like no other. The perfect victory for them was to kill All Might after making him suffer. If possible, they'd have sent him to hell and tortured him to all eternity!

But, as we all know, Izuku is not a bad person. He was the kindest soul you could ever find. Due to their plan he had to become violent to make it work, but for him this was a rather small price to pay for victory.

*6 years later*

Izuku was looking out the window of his new room, which is located in a certain bar. Through the window he could see an empty park bathing in morning sunlight. He used to visit it with his friend Katsuki, but he had to move away so now they're too far away from each other to meet. At least they have each other's number.

Right as Izuku left to change, his mahagony door swung open revealing a tall guy with shoulder-length blue hair covering his face. We alredy know who it is, but we don't know is that his face isn't as crusty as you would expect, because Izuku cares for the smoothness of his brother's skin.

Tomura: "So you're already awake. I guess you were excited and got almost no sleep? Ha... after all, today is your first actual mission little bro."

Izuku: "Exactly! I taught you well. Deduction is one of the most basic and easiest skills a human possesses and you were just horrible at it."

Tomura: "Great job Sherlock."
(Yay, enthusiasm...)

Izuku: "Thanks Watson."
(Actual enthusiasm)

Tomura: "Anyway, get changed. You wouldn't wanna do your job in pajamas now would you?"

Izuku: "Oh yeah...well then leave!"

Tomura: "Okay, chill."

Izuku swiftly closed the door behind Tomura and hurried to his closet. Opening it he sees new clothes looking kinda comfortable. They were just some black harem pants and a black hoodie. He changed into them and walked down the stairs to the bar room.

Once he arrived he instantly noticed that Tomura wasn't there. This was weird, because usually he never leaves that room. Always sitting there, thinking about evil plans while the ultimate evil plan has already been set in motion.

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