UA Sports Festival

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I am a very lazy person and that's why it takes forever to write a new chapter.
sorry about that

Izuku pov.

I finally have a friend that isn't quite short tempered! He is so nice and cute. It's been a while since I last had time to meet with friends, I was so busy planning attacks and improving "project nomu", speaking of which, I will have a chance to test the new nomu soon.

This might have come as a surprise but we plan on attacking Hosu city. My dad told me it was because the hero killer would be there and brother Tomura doesn't like him, but I think it's actually to get rid of Endeavour. He is also gonna be in Hosu during our attack and we planned to rid the world of his horrible self long ago, generally most of the top fifty.

Dad wants multiple nomu there to be stronger but I can only control one, which is precisely why dad has already hired Twice. He is such a nice guy. I have not been allowed to meet him yet, only before the attack, but I have spoken to him per phone during planning sessions.

His actual name is Bobaigawara Jin and he is super funny. He always says something and instantly disagrees with himself. Brother Tomura doesn't particularly like him, but is nice to him because I do.

His quirk is cloning stuff. He can copy people and objects up to two times and when they take as much damage as a broken arm, they disappear again. I don't know how exactly the clones work, but I assume they have the same mind as the original, but think different things and therefore do different things.

But as much as I like Twice, I am still the most important part of this. Without my quirk the nomu couldn't even function properly. Lately the nomu have been evolving, the newer generations have a primitive kind of will. They move slightly, like twitching their eyes and moving their limbs a few centimetres, and they groan a lot.

This is because the doctor has been erasing less and less of their motorical functions. They are harder to control and that is why I asked him to go back to his old erasing system. Makes it a lot easier.

The attack will start about three days after the UA sports festival, which I will watch with great attention. My two friends are taking part so obviously I will. For now I am texting with Shoto and thinking of a plan to meet Kacchan again.

Brother Tomura isn't gonna watch with me but I hope dad is. He always watched it with me when I was younger and I am done training my quirk, which I did for the past few years. Dad is happy and that's why I really hope he will watch it with me.

•a few days later•

still Izuku's pov.

It is time. The day of the UA sports festival has arrived. I bet Shoto is super nervous. Kacchan won't be, he is always ready after all. About a year ago some villain with the quirk to turn himself into green, dirty goo was rampaging in Kacchan's city and causing trouble.

But of course, Kacchan was there to blast his eyes out and protect the people. I heard some people thought they saw All Might for a brief moment, but all of them only saw him for a few seconds before he  "disappeared". Obviously he was there but didn't want to be seen and ran away or simply deflated.

Anyway, Kacchan saved the day and was praised by the incompetent heroes and police who happened to be there. He became kinda famous as "the explosive guy who defeated the sludge", although I wanted to congratulate him on his first bit of recognition, I of course couldn't, because it would have been weird and it would've ruined our plan.

But I did praise him on the internet, even though I doubted he would see it, or if he did, take notice.

Back to the sports festival. I actually managed to get dad to watch it with me! He doesn't exactly like watching young wannabe heroes brag with their talents, but he knows I do.

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