"She's not coming back."

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3rd person pov.

As the family spent May together it became warmer and rained less. For Izuku this was perfect. He didn't like the rain because he couldn't play with Katsuki, or as he called him Kacchan. The warmth he liked and so his visits to Katsuki increased until they were almost daily.

One day Inko brought Izuku to the Bakugou house, where she left Izuku in Mitsuki's care. She then left because she wanted to go shopping in a far away city while Hisashi had a business meeting.

Meanwhile Izuku greeted Mitsuki with a big smile and a very loving "Hello Auntie!". She took him inside and called for Katsuki. He then yelled something along the lines of "no I won't you old hag". This ended in Mitsuki disappearing into Katsuki's room and coming out again followed by a Katsuki, who was rubbing his ass slightly.

Once he noticed Izuku he instantly ran to him, ignoring his mother and taking him outside to the park. There they finally greeted each other with simple "heys".

Katsuki started talking about how great he was and how great his quirk was. This preked Izuku's interest, because he didn't yet know about Katsuki's quirk. He interrupted him asking about said quirk.
Izuku: "You have a quirk already?"

Katsuki: "Of course, I the great Katsuki have my quirk and will become the greatest of heroes."

???: "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Noone can surpass All Might."

Katsuki: "And who are you supposed to be? Talking about how I will never be as great as him?"

???: "Trust me. I know how it ends if you can't surpass him and my name is Shoto Todoroki."

Izuku: "Like in Enji Todoroki, the no.2 pro hero?"

Shoto: "Yeah, even though he isn't as great as he seems. What are your names by the way? I already know the loud blondes name."

Izuku: "I am Izuku!"

Shoto: "Nice to meet you."

Katsuki: "Yeah, yeah, cut the small talk and go back to admiring me! My quirk is explosions, what about you half'n'half?"

Shoto: "My name is Shoto and my quirk is ice on the right and fire on the left."

Izuku: "That is awesome! How does it work? Does it have any drawbacks? Can they switch sides?"

Shoto: 'what weird questions' "It works as how you would imagine and my body freezes whenever I use my ice. And no, they obviously can't switch sides."

The three talked amongst themselves until a tall woman with grey eyes and long white hair appeared. Turns out that was Shoto's mother, who took him to the park even though she wasn't allowed. Endeavour was on a mission, which would take a few days so Rei had the idea to go to the park with her kids while her husband wasn't there to train *cough* abuse *cough* them.

Later when Shoto had already left and Izuku and Katsuki wanted to go back Hisashi and Mitsuki came to the park with sad faces. Hisashi's even more devastated than Mitsuki's. He lokked as if he was hit by a pro hero or someone he loved...

Izuku walke to him with a confused face asking "Dad? What happened? Where's mom?" Hisashi just wrapped his arms around the small boy, pulling him towards himself, embracing him in a tight hug. All Hisashi saw was the green hair of his son. Faetures of the person he loved so much, but would never see again.

Izuku started ro understand. He was smart for his age and had an incredible sense for empathy. So he started to hug his dad back, starting to cry. Hugging the small part of his father his arms were abled to reach he stood there, crying.

Meanwhile Mitsuki had taken Katsuki on her arm, who was very confused. He had never seen Izuku cry, without getting physically hurt. And Izuku's dad crying as well? No, he would never forget that sight.

Hisashi was thankful for the warmth of the hug, but knew that it would become hard when he finally had to answer.

"She's gone. She's never coming back."

The truth behind the nomu.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin