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Noah's POV  (as usual please forgive any spelling grammar and/or word choice errors I really do try while editing and tysm for reading❤️)

This morning when I woke up was different. I was happy I was able to spend some time with my boyfriend today but nervous my mom might do something or something might happen

I rolled over and snuggled into my blanket more when the door burst open and a small body jumped on me

"Wake up Noah" Sapphire said loudly even though I was already up

"I'm up Sapph I'm up"

"Mom and dad said that they had a special surprise for you. They told me to come get you" I nodded and she started whining when I didn't get up.

In return to her whining I pulled her arm lightly to slip her and once she was on her back I started to tickle her sides while she erupted in laughter

"Can't.......breathe.." she said in between giggles

"Alright Noah enough" Rebecca said laughing slightly

"My stomach hurts now" Sapphire says pouting slightly while I stick my tongue out at her and shoe them out so I can get changed.

Instead of wearing my pajama shirt with my pair of pajama pants

I change into one of Pax's sweatshirts and a pair of the pajama pants he gave me accompanied by a pair of socks

I walk downstairs and see Onyx playing a video game with sapphire and getting mad she's winning and Ruby helping Rebecca and dad with breakfast

"Noah can you go set the table" dad asked from the stove and I nodded and started to grab plates.

"Sapphire. Onyx. You too." Rebecca said as I handed her a large serving plate for the French toast

"And coco to go with" dad said setting everything on the table.

Once breakfast was finished dad let Sapphire run over to the tree and sit down first.

I hadn't put my gift for anyone under the tree because I wanted to save mine for last

"Sapp I have mine for you upstairs" I said and quickly grabbed everyone's Gifts that I had gotten for them

I handed sapphire hers and Ruby her own

I had gotten sapphire a charm bracelet with little sapphire gems in it and I got Ruby a hair bow which had Rubies sewn into it.

They both ran and hugged me. I knew sapphire always wanted a charm bracket and Ruby's gift had a more sentimental meaning to it.

When we were little I had accidentally ruined one of her most favorite bows she used during dance and cheer and we talked how the one she had made her feel pretty and could do anything

I hope this one makes her just as happy as the one I accidentally ruined when we were kids.

I had also gotten Onyx a signed poster from Michael Phelps which was super hard to track down and really expensive.

Dad and Rebecca had yet to show me what was so special and soon got up

"Here so we want you to have this" dad said handing me a photo album

"This was your album I kept as you were little and now I want you to make some of your own memories" he said handing me a camera and I instantly hugged him.

I don't care how life goes but as long as I have my family and memories, that is all that truly matters to me


"Merry Christmas baby" Pax says hugging me when he walks in and dipping his head down and placing a quick kiss on my neck the set my body temperature skyrocketing

"Merry Christmas Pax"

He took me to sit down by the couch since it was full and pulled me into his lap

Soon later the door bell rang again and I got up And answered it

"Hi mom" she smiled nervously

"Hi baby merry Christmas" she said

"Is it ok if I came in" I nod and step out of the door way to let her in and close the door once she's in

I see Pax lingering by the entrance to the kitchen

"Mom this is my boyfriend Pax" I say hesitantly and she smiled somewhat sincerely

"Nice to meet you on better circumstances" she said and I let out the breath I was holding

"Oh and if you break my sons heart you'll never hear the end of it" my mom said while walking further into the house

"Hey Nick" mom said and he look at her blankly once we walked into the kitchen

"Peace offering I swear" she said and gave him a bottle of wine and dad took it while mumbling in an annoyed manner since Rebecca told him to be on his best behavior

Mom smiled and seemed to relax slightly

"Glad you're here mom I know it's not easy on anybody " I said lightly and she smiled

That lasted all of five seconds though until the door smashed open and an angry Darren stood there

"Esme what did I tell you" dad said and mom shrunk back a bit

"This is all your fault" Darren roared at me and I looked at him confused

"You little cunt" he said charging at me but both dad and pax intercepted him

"What in the actual hell is going on" Rebecca yelled amongst the chaos

"I'm leaving Darren." Mom spoke up

"And it's all his fault" Darren said and pushed past Pax and shoved me down so quickly I didn't have time to react before my head hit the corner of the kitchen counter before everyone blurred and I blacked out

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