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Noah's POV

Tears streamed down my face and I subconsciously touched the place in my neck where Darren chocked me before

"Noah this is serious we need to talk to the police or at the very least your dad" Pax said

I nod and he drove me home

As we pulled up I saw that everyone's cars were in the driveway

"Please don't make me go in there" I beg pax but he ignores me and gets out of the car and walks over to my side and opens the door

"Baby everything is going to be ok, ok" he asked and I nodded. He then kissed me and unbuckled my seat belt and picked me up from the car and set me down before closing the door

I couldn't breathe. I was scared. Sacred my family would freak out. Scared that if I said something Darren would come after me

My throat started constricting and my vision blurred with tears from the lack of oxygen

"Breathe baby breathe" pax said holding the sides of my face and looking into my eyes

"Can you name three things you hear" Pax asked

"What" I croak and he smiled sadly

"Name three things you hear" he repeated

"The birds, the trees in the wind, and our breathing" My anxiety felt slightly less

"Good now three thing you feel" he encouraged

"The warmth from your hands on my face, my heart racing a mile a minute, and gravity pushing on us" he smiles as my anxiety feels slightly less constricting

"Now name three body parts" he said

"My heart, my head, and my brain" he smiled and I still felt upset and anxious but not nearly as bad

"Better" he asked

"Slightly" I said and he grabbed my hand and we walked into the house

"Hey I'll be here with you the whole time" Pax said squeezing my hand in a comforting manner and I nodded while staying as hidden as I could

"Hey what's going on boys" Rebecca asked as she saw me burring my self into Pax

"Did something happen" dad asked worried and Pax nodded and nudged me

"I went to see mom" I said

"Noah why didn't you tell me" dad asked he then looked worried as if he knew something had happened

"What happened"

"Darren assaulted him" pax spoke up

"Noah" Pax let go of my hand and moved towards my dad

"He's fucking dead" dad roared when his eyes met my neck


"No he's not getting away with this. Did he do this to you before" I only nod

"Why haven't you told anyone" dad asked desperately

"I was afraid if I said anything he'd come after me" I said

"Noah come here" he said softly

"I will always protect you no matter what happened or happens in the future" he said and hugged me being careful not to squeeze me too tight

I nod

"Come on honey let's get some ice on that" Rebecca said and brought me to the kitchen while Pax came with me

"Where is dad going" I asked Rebecca and she waited until she heard his car pull out to tell me

"He's going to the police station and reporting Darren" she said and I nodded

"Come on baby" Pax said and we went and laid down on my bed while icing my neck

Soon Rebecca knocked on my door and walked into my room

"Honey the cops want you to make a report" she then looked at Pax

"You too sweetheart" she told him and we nodded

Pax and I went to his car after i slipped my shoes on and headed to the police station

His saving graceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang