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Noah's POV

"So you and Pax" Ruby asked as I was getting a drink out of the fridge

I turn around and look at her

"My first point is that I saw how he acted with you the other day and day before and my second point is this text" the says with a happy smile my eyes widen

"Ruby give it back" I say reaching for my phone

"Aww but I want to read more it's so cute." she says trying to guess my password

"Ruby" I say annoyed

She stuck her tongue out at me and ran away which I'll admit she was pretty fast but I'm much faster

"Hey no i wanted to read it I'm bored and he is so cute with you" she whined loudly

"What's going on" I see dad coming into the living room with Rebecca behind him.

"Ruby took my phone and is looking through the messages." I say trying to snatch my phone

"Give it back" I say and she pouts handing it to me

"You're no fun" and sulks away

I look at my phone and see a few different messages from pax.

One was a picture from yesterday and the second was him asking if he could come over

I opened my phone and texted him back

"Hey what's my baby doing today"

"Is it ok if I come over I miss u❤️"

"Course I wouldn't miss any chance I can to be spending time with u"

I sent that and close to ten minutes later Pax knocked on the front door

"Hi" I smile at him

"Hey. Anything specific you want to do" I ask and he nods and takes my hand walking me over into the living room and sits me down on his lap and kisses me

I smile into the kiss but pull away soon after

"What's wrong baby" Pax asked me

"Nothing it's just my family's home and everything" he pouts

"Oh please don't pout" I say lightly kissing his pout away

"Want to come over for dinner at my place tonight" he asked me suddenly

"Sure but I'm wondering about tomorrow and what's going to happen"

"Well you said that you want your family to know and I'm not rushing you or anything but when do you think that might happen" he asked

"Well my dad and Rebecca know. Ruby knows but Onyx doesn't and Sapphire doesn't either but she won't care"

"Wait how does Ruby know" and I blushed

"She uh saw the messages you sent me before" he smirked and kissed my blush

"Ok so she's going to tell Onyx or she'll tease us and Onyx will figure it out" I nod

"Come on there's this cafe I liked going to when I first moved in not far from here and there is even a small library like area so you can read while there"

"Ok sounds good. Is there any food there though I'm hungry" he complains and I nod. They have the best pastries and other food
Pax's POV

I'm glad Noah is so happy and that i make him happy

But I don't know how to tell my family

Tonight my family was having a party like occasion that they were forced to host by my dad's mom and dad said that we could bring a friend.

I know exactly why dad let us and it's because grandma is less likely to explode in front of our friends and strangers.

Plus I need Noah to help keep me calm since we don't really get along with my dads side of the family.

"We're almost there" Noah said excitedly

I give him a half hearted smile in which he frowns to

He parked and we went in and too a seat near the back corner

He moved around next to me in the small booth and put his hands on the sides of my face

"Pax what's wrong" he asked softly and I gave him a sad smile

I know I had to tell him what he was getting into and I definitely am since it wouldn't be fair to him

"About tonight...um my immediate family don't get along with my dad's side of the family and they're kinda crazy and obnoxious" I say hoping he still wants to come

"Pax that won't deter me from being there for you. I want you to be happy" he said and I nodded placing my face into his neck giving it a kiss every now and then

"How are y'all doing today" I hear a woman say and Noah laughs

"Hey Cathy how are you" he says

"I'm good doll and I see you got yourself a man" she giggled and I looked up and see a woman in her early twenties with blonde hair

"And you are hun" he says politely

"Paxton" she smiles

"Can I get my usual Cathy and some cold brew for him" Noah said ordering for both me and him

I had prepared Noah as much as I could for tonight and just spent time with him and the pastries he ordered and the cold brew which I loved so much.

It was my favorite coffee that I've ever had

I went to pay but he shook his head and he payed

"I want to be able to treat you" he said kissing my lips and we got back into the car and drive back to his house

His saving graceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat