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Noah's POV (as usual please forgive me for any spelling grammar and word choice errors I really do try when editing and tysm for reading❤️)

It's now December and earlier last month coach told me I should do winter track if I wanted but I turned it down. I love running and everything but I want some time to my family and my boyfriend even if my siblings and boyfriend still have their practices.

I also live close enough to the school where I don't qualify for a bus and both dad and Rebecca are working but usually pick me up most days.

Today was not one of them.

I walked home in the cold and just as I got to my driveway it started to snow and I was happy I got home before it started snowing.

"Hey Noah" Sapphire said as I walked into the door

"Where's Rebecca" I asked

"Mom said something about having to pick some stuff I'm not sure" she answered

"Need any help with homework while I'm down here" I asked and she shook her head going over to the fridge to get something to eat.

"Aright I'll be in my room" I tell her and walk up getting into comfier sweat pants and one of Pax's sweatshirts I took recently

My phone started ringing and I threw my phone across my room and it landed on my bed

I just sigh.

My mom has been calling me more recently especially since it's around Christmas time

It eventually stopped and I got a notification. When I checked it said there was a voice mail

"Noah please. I just want to talk. I want to try and have a relationship and I know what I did will never be forgiven but I want the last time we talk to end on a good not at least if you never talk to me again. I miss my baby boy and I regret what I did every day. Your father is rejecting my calls and I don't know what to do. I'm thinking about petitioning the court for visitation rights. Please I won't if we talk just once. I love you Noah" and with that the voice mail ended

I sigh. I know if mom petitions the court she's going to ask for more than just visitation rights since dad had all out banned her from having any custody or visitation.

I just don't know what to do.

I layer down on my bed and just let out every pent up emotion I had to just for an hour and I then felt better

"Hey Rebecca" I said walking down stairs

"Hey Noah" she smiled

"Give me a hand with dinner" I nodded and started unpacking the groceries

"Can I ask you a question"

"Shoot" I smiled at that

"Uhm so my mom called me today but I didn't answer and she left me a voice mail" I tell her and she nodded with a face of indifference even though I knew she couldn't stand my mom

"And" she asked without sounding bitter

"Uhm she asked if she could see me and if she didn't she said she'd petition the court since dad has been dodging her calls. What should I do" she gently put the knife down that she'd been using to chop some scallions and looked at me

"Honey I think you're screwed either way and if you do decide to see her I think it's best to have someone there for moral support weather it be me, your dad, pax or whoever it may be" she said and I nodded and we continued to cook dinner in silence

"Pax" I asked hesitantly as he answered the face time

"Hey baby what's up" he answered and I sighed

"I can see the worry on your face what's going on Noah" he asked sincerely concerned

"Um I was thinking about seeing my mom. I didn't want to go alone" I say my nerves increasing with every word that leaves my mouth

"Baby whatever you need I'm here for you" and I nodded

"By the way how did your meet go" I asked and he frowned

"I won" he said still frowning

"Then why don't you seem happy"

"Noah I won yes but I'm more concerned about you right now. Baby you're my top priority" he told me and I started to tear up

"I'll be over as soon as I can ok" he asked and I nodded ending the call right after

I just laid in my bed and as I was just dozing off Pax walked into my room

"Oh baby" he said taking off his coat and putting it on the chair of my desk and cuddling me from behind

"My mom basically threatened my dad to try and take me away" I told him and his eyes widened

"She said she'd petition the court for visitation rights but that means she'll try and take full custody again" he frowned

"I guess I'm going to see my mom or at least call her to tell her I'm coming" I sigh and turn around and snuggle into pax's chest and fall asleep.

His saving graceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon