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Noah's POV

I though I was early key word being thought.

"Is everyone here" the coach yelled through the excited murmurs

"Now I know it can be tough with the boys swim tryouts and football tryouts being all through out this week but try to get here at a good time" I sigh lowly being glad I had made it on time.

"Alright now for the new comers I'm coach Santiago. Now let me break it down for you what we will be doing today. The fields perimeter is about a half a mile. We will be doing ten laps then we'll meet on the track. What I want you all to do is go at your own pace and complete your laps. Once you finish your laps go sit on the bleachers take a water break or whatever you have to do while waiting for the rest to finish. I'll give you all further information after on what we are all going to be doing next. Also after us the boys football team will be doing laps so do your best to ignore them once we all finish." coach Santiago said and we all replied with yes coach.

All of us walked over to the starting point and started running. There were the first ambitious few who were in the back who just sprinted towards the front. Not the smartest move.

And it was true when we all hit lap four many people began to struggle while I was doing just fine. That though would end in another couple of laps. Yes I'd still be able to keep my pace but it would still be a pain in the ass.

I now with a couple of seniors was at the head of the heard of people behind me.

"You're pretty good for a freshman. No freshman was ever able to keep up." I scowl

"I'm a junior." I huff out annoyed though he was more out of breath than I was. I can tell from his spread he's more of a sprinter than a distance runner

"Still pretty good though" he said and I increased my speed and so does he. Oh well I tried.

Once me and the few seniors in front of me finish we head to the bleachers. I ended up finishing in fifth out of forty people so not that bad I don't think.

I sit down while waiting and take a big gulp from my water bottle

I then see a text from dad

"I know you have tryouts and I just wanted to wish you luck"

I smile at that and reply

"Ty dad that means a lot" and put my phone down knowing that most people are going to finish soon.

"Alright everyone who just got off of the field take a five minute breather and those who have been off for a while get ready to do some sprints.

I started stretching and prepping.

After an hour of almost complete doing sprints

"Alright enough" coach said "we have one more thing for today but it's completely optional. This is only people who want to do hurdles and I already have the list of the specific people trying out to do the hurdle races. So to anyone else this is optional" he instructed us

I walk over and got ready to start.

Once everyone was ready coach blew his whistle and we were off.

I finished first and the others not far behind me.

"What your name"coach asked me

"Noah Bennett" I pant out

"Alright Bennett. I have my eye on you. If you keep up the good work you can almost be certain to make the team. Good work" he says and tells the next group to line up. I smile to myself

I look at the time on my phone. Man four thirty came so fast

"Alright I'll see you all tomorrow. We only have two more days of tryouts left. We'll see who makes the cut." Coach Santiago said and dismissed up to go get changed. I grabbed my phone and my water and went into the locker room to change.

I did change and avoided the showers. I don't understand how people can shower in public showers.

I would just shower at home and that is what I am going to do. I sigh and leave my stuff in the locker room considering Onyx would have to get changed after.

I bring my phone and bottle of water

Once I get to the pool I open the doors and sit down in the stands.

"Hey dude" Asher said as he walked up to me toweling off.


"Onyx will be done soon. I think coach Vernon will promote him to co captain since or last one graduated last year." I nod. If that happens Onyx will be so happy

"Alright we will be doing races in pairs for the last half hour to see who is where and we will have all of the winners race " coach Vernon said as all of the

I watched intently hoping that Onyx would do well. I know how much being co captain would mean to him.

"Alright first off Asher and Onyx" coach Vernon announced

"Welp gotta go. By Noah." Asher said and walked up to the start just as onyx did.

Onyx ended up winning that race but not by much. Asher was close on his tail and was at a similar skill level.

Time went by and more speed and endurance races took place. But now we were up to our last race

"Alright. Our captain vs. Onyx" Onyx looked at Paxton

"Your on friend" he challenged and the took to their start off point.

Once the whistle blew they were off and I watched them glide through the water at a startling speed.

Paxton ended up winning and getting out of the pool first while Onyx got out not even thirty seconds later.

I watched as they towels off any dripping water and coach Vernon announced tryouts were done for the day

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