Pure Chaos! (Part 1: The Eggman Empire)

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"Tried it already," Sonic states as he plucks a few of his guitar strings. "Won't let anyone in except Danny."

"Well, maybe he'll let me in," Sally says, almost as if she was trying to convince herself rather than Sonic.

"If you say so."

Suddenly, the ground starts to rumble, gaining everyone's attention. They all look around to find the source of the rumbling, only to look up when the roof is taken right off above them.

"Knock-knock, my friends!"

Snively, in a green mech suit, says as he smiles evilly at the Freedom Fighters. Then, before anyone could react, Snively aimed the mech's palms forward and shot a beam of energy at everyone. Almost everyone completely vanished, leaving only Knuckles, Sonic, Tails, Danny, Sally, and Mighty, along with a few others remaining.

"Just like fish in a barrel!" Snively laughs evilly.

"Snively just vaporized...!" Sonic couldn't believe his eyes.

"Bunnie!" Sally calls to the cyborg rabbit. "Get him outside and give us some room!"

"Ah'm on it, Sally-Girl!" Bunnie says as she uses her rocket feet to fly at Snively.

She goes for a punch, only for her arm to be easily grabbed by Snively's mech.

"Oh, I think I can handle you!"

Antoine, who had watched the entire thing, runs out of the room he was in as he brandished his sword in anger.

"Laisse'-elle, monstre!" he shouts at Snively in French.

However, Eggman's nephew only chuckles as he aims his free hand back at the Mobians. Multiple beams of yellow energy shoot out and engulf Antoine, Charmy and Saffron Bee, and Sally, along with some others as everyone else watches in terror.

"Mighty! Help me!" Ray calls out to the armidillo, only to vanish.

"Sonic! Go find Y-" she disappears before she could finish.


Snively then aims his hand at Bunnie.

"I suppose I shouldn't separate the newlyweds," the diabolical midget smirks evilly. "Brace yourself, Bunnie. This burns a LOT?!"

Mighty punches Snively's mech, making it stumble back a bit. Amy enters the room, wondering what's going on as Sonic tries to hold Knuckles back.

"Bunnie... and Sally... everyone..." Danny stumbled on his words.

"He blasted them all!" Tails exclaims, tears in his eyes.


"Everyone, stay back!" Sonic orders his friends. "Mighty's lost it! And you do not want to be in the middle of that!"

Mighty yells in anger as he tears off the right arm of Snively's mech.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO RAY?!" Mighty asks in anger as he swings and slams the arm into Snively. "HE COULD NEVER HURT YOU! I TOLD HIM I'D KEEP HIM SAFE! AND YOU GO AND VAPORIZE HIM!"

Snively's mech, or what remains of it, falls on to the ground with a "thump!". He then growls and aims his hand at Migty.

"Fine! Go join him!"

And with that, Mighty is vaporized into nothing. Sonic and Knuckles finally crawl out of HQ, the Blue Blur running at Snively.

"Now we go!"

"So will I, since my work here is done!" Snively presses a button, ejecting himself from his mech as he flies away. "After all... I WAS ONLY THE DISTRACTION!"

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