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A/N: Beyonce is not y/n, just showing you a pic of her outfit to give you a visual of what y/n wore.

A/N: Beyonce is not y/n, just showing you a pic of her outfit to give you a visual of what y/n wore

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After putting on my anklets, I went to hair and make up thankfully there was nobody on the seat, they made my hair and make up and thankfully I was able to weasle my way up to catering but thankfully it was just my fellow announcers and reporters who were having a meal, greeted all of them as they complimented my look and were genuinely happy to see me , I was not in the mood to see him just yet but tonight I was going to show off and show him what he missed, after eating I reported to the bosses office to let them know I was back.

As I was leaving from the bosses office,  I met with Joe head on, he stood to stare at me and wanted to speak to me but i didn't give him that chance as I walked past him but he held my arm to stop me but I shook his arm off and continued to walk, I didn't even look behind as he called me a couple times.

If he expected me to talk to him after everything, after making a fool out of me a few weeks ago infront of his family and him never communicating once to apologise in those two weeks then he had something else coming his way.

I went into the bathroom and tried to calm myself down, I wasn't going to let him destroy my day.

The crowd was very energetic, as usual, unlike other crew members we on commentary walked out to our themes like wrestlers. Michael went first to a good reaction, then Pat went on to a cheer, he was beloved and finally me, the cheers were louder (I guess being the wife of the tribal chief came with alot of advantages and one of them being the fact that I was a fan favourite plus they hadn't seen me in two weeks which explains the reaction) which pumped me to be energetic for today's PPV and once I felt their energy my anxiety and the thought of what Joe did to me vanished in the thin air, I didn't care anymore.

Took my seat, between the two gentlemen and wore my headset.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the MITB ppv we have great matches lined up for you including our two main, Bianca Vs Carmella and our main event the one we've been wanting to see since wrestlemania  Edge vs Roman Reigns" michael began. I sort of had a bitterness taste in my mouth when he mentioned his name but I didn't care.

"Yes its going to be a wonderful show and I to be honest, I can't wait to see the tribal chief decimate Edge after all the distress Edge caused him and his cousins the Usos, in the previous weeks. And BTW y/n you look beautiful and gorgeous today, its been a fortnight of your absence where were you" Pat continued.

"Thank you Pat, I had decided to take a leave of absence to take care of my heart and do some soul searching and now I feel as good as new"

"And speaking of Edge and Roman reigns match, y/n roman is your husband and I'm pretty sure you have seen the type of distress Edge has caused your family, what do you have to say about that??" Michael asked.

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