Chapter 13

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Another small instalment!
I hope you all like it!


Hesitation, a feeling that we get when we want to do something but there is an obstacle that is stopping us, it is standing like a soldier at the border who allows nothing to pass him. But what are these obstacles? They are unwanted, unreasonable and unclear thoughts. They stop us from doing what we want. 

Haajar pressed her lips together and looked inside the house, again. She observed for a few minutes before looking in the opposite direction. Aman was walking towards the snacks table, which was not far from her. She quickly followed him and when she got a chance she whispered, "Aman bhai, Inside,"She hesitated for a moment. "Raiyan," Aman could barely hear his name, "BSB was not being nice to GSB so he is defending Sufyaan bhai inside. They seem to be having a rough conversation. I think we should stop it before things get out of hand." 

Aman peaked inside the house, shook his head and was about to speak when Afzal said, "We will take care of it. What does he want now?" As the men marched inside, Haajar walked to where the gang had been seated. 

"That is not how it is. You are wrong, sir," Raiyan said as he crossed his arms again. 

"Is everything alright? Why are you two here? Let's go back outside. The weather has been kind to us," Aman tried to distract their minds. 

"Everything is fine except that your friend's lawyer is presenting his case. I thought Haajar was the one who studied law."

"But what is the matter? What happened?" Afzal asked Raiyan who shook his head to dismiss the topic. "What is it?" He asked again, "You can tell us. Maybe we can help."

"It is nothing," Raiyan said. "We had a difference of opinion, nothing major." 

"But why do you look heated? It seems like a serious conversation." Aman said looking at Raiyan who shook his head again. Before Afzal or Aman could say a word Sufiyan got a call and had to leave the room. Aman and Afzal exchanged glances, as a frown made its way to them. They looked at Raiyan again who sighed. "Why does it seem like you all want to fight with him?" They Ll turned towards the sliding door and found Sufyaan standing. "There Noor and Zynah were on him and here you three. What is the matter with everyone?"

"We are good people who have spent a lot of time with you and now we have started to behave like you," Afzal said before he started to walk towards the door. His serious tone and straight words raised the temperature of the room but just before leaving he turned around and said, "Let's have that ice cream that we have been talking about for so long. I am not leaving without it." He winked at Sufyaan who smiled in response. They all gathered together again and had the final course of their meal. One by one everyone started to depart and soon the house was quiet again. Haajar avoided her guest for the rest of the evening and managed to leave the house, the next day, without any encounter. As she entered her office she took a deep breath of relief. It was time to change the state of mind and the scene of her eyes. 

Alessia had a meeting in the morning that kept her occupied for a while. It was half-past eleven when she arrived at the office. The door swung open and she entered. She was talking to someone on the phone loudly, but suddenly her keys fell down and then her bag, then she clapped her hands to get the attention of the person she was talking to. "I will get everything done, do not think too much. Yeah, I will. Why are you doing that? Have faith in your only daughter! Yeah, I will make sure everything is arranged properly. Yes, Okay. Done. Sure, can I get back to work? Thank you. I will remember that as well. Bye, love you. Bye-bye." She sighed as she looked at the lot that covered the floor. keeping her phone and laptop on the table next to the door, she gathered everything in her arms before arranging them on her desk. She then brought her phone and laptop there as well. Soon the door to the other room opened and Haajar walked out. She smiled widely at Alessia, which made her laugh. "Someone is in a good mood. Is everything alright? Where is your frown? Wait let me guess! What can it be? Did you meet your soulmate? Unlikely. Hey, did you ever date? Okay, that must be a high degree question. Did you ever fell in love? Do you have a crush? Who is he?"

"Do not make me think the weekend was better than today because it wasn't. Where were you? You are the boss and late most of the time. What example are you setting for me?"

"Boss? Why am I the boss? We both are partners. I just have extra experience so I lead, but that is only until you become an expert. Why put a title? Ah, you are exhausting. Did you do everything that I mailed you to do?" Haajar quickly shook her head in a yes. "Already? It's not even twelve. You work too much for no reason. Are you going to get an award for that? At least I am not planning to give you one." Alessia shook her head in disapproval. "Life will make you work harder than you ever intended to so don't work hard where you don't have to. Let your mind and body rest for now. Sooner it will get tired. And now, the TEd talk ends. Can your please bring me the files that I asked for on Friday? There were two of them, right?"

"You just gave me a speech to relax and then gave me more work. I must say you are a woman of your words." 

Alessia started to laugh loudly. "You are brutally honest and bold with your words. That is what I love the most about you. Always speak without fear. Speaking with fear costs a lot. Remember this advice." Haajar shook her head as she went back inside the room while taking a deep breath again. The rest of the day was filled with work and research where they talked, discussed and stayed focus the whole time but the highlight was towards the end when they found out about the date of their first hearing. Their first case was now rolling. The day ended on a high note where they had a meeting with the case client- Riayan. 

"It would be a little hectic, It's the first day, and her lawyers won't be taking it easy. They successfully managed to delay the hearing date, they must be prepared now. I cannot understand this. She is working hard for a very small thing. Why? I wonder what is the case." Alessia narrowed her eyes as she said.

"Whatever it may be," Raiyan said, "Let us begin with it and get done with it too. It had been long."

"It surely had been. Now, you wait here. I want to show you something and after that, we all can leave. Just wait for a moment."

As Alessia left the room Haajar's phone started to ring. She answered it but disconnect it immediately. "How did he get my number?" She asked herself. 

"Is everything alright?" Raiyan asked with a frown on his forehead. 

She shook her head as she said," Yeah, yeah. BSB called me. I wonder how he got my number." Raiyan still had a frown on his face but deeper than before. " Bad Sufyaan bhai, the one who successfully made us all angry yesterday. What a terrific day it was," Haajar shook her head as she said.

"What is his problem? Why is he always after Sufyaan sir? He gets on everyone's nerves."

"That he does. I think he still feels insulted because Zyva bhabhi rejected him and said yes to our Sufyaan bhai. He sure is egoistic, so I feel that is the problem but if that was the case then why come here? He knew they will cross paths, then why bother them. This is their home they cannot leave but he can avoid. Why do people make others uncomfortable?"

"He is someone who loves himself so he does whatever appeals to him. He barely thinks of someone else. He must have been bothering you a lot."

"He has been but it's okay. I just wish I could avoid him. It's not that I don't, I just want to avoid more." Haajar smile as she said that making Raiyan chuckle with her. They continued talking about BSB and the previous day where they all were a team trying to save their goal. 

Unaware of the eyes that were looking at them they laughed as they remember how Iiman accidentally insulted Sufiyaan making him red in embarrassment. Alessia hid the file behind her, watching the scene before her with a smile on her face. She raised her eyebrows and leaned on the wall, trying not to laugh. A minute later, with a shake of her head, she returned inside to make a call.

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