Chapter 1

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Let The Journey Began

Life, what a beautiful yet mysterious thing. As we cross every bridge we feel we know life, we feel we have figured it out but then a new season begins and we know nothing at all. Trying to understand life, trying to find out what it means is useless for life means everything. Sometimes it is about happiness, sometimes it is about sadness, sometimes it is about relationships, sometimes it is about memories, sometimes it is about events and sometimes it is about feelings, it is about everything that involves humans for it was created for a human. But if you are still wondering what it is, let's think of an answer. Life is about everything that is right and that is wrong, it is about every positive and every negative for together they form an equation that has an answer for our happiness and our world.  

A door opened, letting a girl out. She had a bag in her left hand, a set of keys and a mobile phone in her right. She slowly descended the stairs without making any announcements. She peeked in the living room and found it empty, then she walked to the kitchen and found her Ammi. 

"Haajar, you are ready? Come have some breakfast before you leave. Are you going all alone? Should I ask Rahemat to drop you? We both are leaving for work, we can drop you. Eat this and then we will leave together." 

"Okay, Ammi. Sit, let's eat together. Where is uncle?" 

"Valiqa is Haajar down? Did she leave already? Haajar?" Rahemat called from his room before he closed the door and started to walk towards the kitchen. "Oh, you are here. I got a little something for you. Today is your first day at work so I thought a gift would seem good." 

"Thank you, but you did not have to bring one. It is not like I have never been to that place. I have been their intern for as long as I can remember. I am not even sure if they remember I join today." 

"Starting today you will work as a full-time lawyer who will fight for justice. I am sure they remember the day. They are gaining a great lawyer today, they must not forget a day like this. Open and let me know if you like it." 

Haajar turned the box and pulled the tap out. There was another small box was inside the wrapper, she opened it gently and found a bracelet with her name engraved on a small circle. Haajar smiled before pulling it out and tying it around her hand but as one hand was not enough Rahemat helped her to tie it.  "Thank you. I loved it." Rahemat smiled widely before looking at his wife who smiled wider in return, then she looked at her daughter and said," Let's eat fast then it's time to go."

They had their breakfast, took their belonging, locked the door and got in the car. It was a small but pleasant journey, where they talked a little but smiled a lot. The first stop was a tall commercial building that inhabited various offices. Haajar said goodbye and walked out of the car. She walked for a while then before entering the building she turned around and waved at them. In less than five minutes she was entering her office with a colleague. She greeted a few of her coworkers before she started to walk towards her desk but before that she crossed a room that was enveloped with disturbance. Haajar recognised the faces as she took a few steps ahead then she took those steps back and found her two superiors quarrelling.

"You really think I will agree to that!?" Screamed a woman in a polished suit and perfectly braided hair. "What makes you think I will agree to this crap? What makes you think this is right? I do not care how you work, I never intervene in your business but you must do the same. Do not tell me what to do and what not to do. I am not a child." 

"You are not, you are a great lawyer which is why I am telling you to do this," said a man who was standing on the other side of the table. " If not you are definitely losing the case, there is a guaranteed loss here. Do you know how big this case is? Do you have any idea how much this is going to affect our reputation and yours? This is the only way we can save ourselves. "

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