Chapter 10

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None of us is free from arguments. No human is independent of meeting people who are different from them, who think different, who talk different and who act different. At some or the other point we all cross paths with someone who ignites our mind with such high voltage electricity that we find it difficult to not explode in flames.

Haajar had a lot of work on Friday which kept her awake until three in the morning which kept her asleep until eleven in the morning. She wished to sleep for some more time, ten minutes at least but she knew if her mother entered the room, she would have to cultivate an answer that in no way would save her. That was too much work for her tired mind so she woke up. She took her phone, to wake her mind, but soon got lost in the enchanting world of happy smiles. When She left the bed it was eleven-thirty. She brushed her teeth and then sat in the kitchen wondering what she should eat. Salt may be sugar or was water enough? Maybe a shower would work, she had no idea what the answer was. She closed her eyes and was ready to fall asleep when a footstep announced an arrival.

"Oh. Hello. I am glad to find someone here. Can you tell me where I can get a decent haircut? I do not want to go to a local shop. Somewhere that is good. An experienced Barber is a must. A hygienic place too. Do you know a place that knows how to work?"

"I don't know. I never thought so much about a haircut. Maybe, uncle knows a good place. You can go with him. He knows all the good places. I am no help here."

"That is okay. I wasn't expecting much. Just tell me, who is uncle?"

"Your Mamu, "Haajar motioned towards the ceiling as she said.

"Oh. You call him uncle? I thought you call him Abba, papa or maybe Dad, like you always wanted to. I did not think you would say that. Does he not have a problem with it? I am sure he has. Why are you doing it to him?"

"I am not doing anything. I have always called him that and I think he is fine. Or maybe he is not. We will find out sooner or later."

"You are just as your father says, cold and distant."

"Rahemat uncle thinks that of me?" Haajar was frowning as she bowed her head.

"No, no. Mamujaan is very sweet, he always has been. I was talking about your father. Mr Cader." Just as the words reached her ears Haajar became numb and her thoughts ceased to function. It took her a few seconds and some breathing to look at her companion. "We work together. He is a client. He is a great businessman, a great human too. Unfortunately, Mamujaan is not a big fan. I can understand why. I have been in that position."

"Why did he talk to you, about me? Why did you talk to him about his family?"

"We meet out of work, we talk. All humans do. He asks me about you, he wants to know how you are but you never reply. You should not be like that. Do you think you are better than him now that you are in America? What is so great about it? We Indians are just as great. Better actually. You must think so good about yourself. How wrong you are. Your father has a right to know about you, he has a right to talk to you. Your father is the,"

"Enough. Enough." Haajar stood up from the chair and dashed to her room whose door she slammed with all her might. "What does he think of himself! Ah!" She closed her eyes tight.

The morning was not as she anticipated which kept Haajar in her room all day. She didn't have her lunch, skipped the dinner as well and the breakfast was never in the question. She remained locked, drew excuses and tried not to shed a tear. She was angry at her father for talking about her, she was angry at Sufiyan for talking about him and she was angry at herself for a million things but mostly for thinking about her father, who she did not wish to honour in her thoughts.

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