Chapter 11

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Words affect us, it makes us move. But thoughts are a little different, they make us feel, they make us realise how small is the diameter of our understanding, how narrow our world is and how little we need to complain. When a thought is converted through a word it becomes meaningful, it becomes powerful and that is what a human soul needs to find something called peace.

Haajar looked at the turn they were approaching and then looked at Raiyan. Motioning ahead she said, "I know the way from here. I can go alone. Thank you for helping me. It really means a lot." Haajar regretted the last sentence the minute she said it out loud. It was too personal, she thought. 

Raiyan gave a smile before saying," You do not have to say that but, "Haajar looked up at him. "It is almost eleven and we are almost there. Why don't I accompany you? It is not right of me to leave now. Help me with that."

"There is no need but I cannot force you to leave, can I?"

Raiyan smiled wider as he nodded his head, "you cannot so I will just accompany you. Thank you for helping me."

Haajar smiled as she clapped her arms behind her. It had been a long walk and they had shared a little few words but it has been a calming walk that benefited both of them. They could clear their thoughts but also limit them due to the company they had which was what they needed to breathe. 

"Did my sister-in-law bother you again? Did she visit or does someone else comes for her? If yes then let me know, I will solve the issue. Under no circumstances will I let your safety be sacrificed. "

"Then you will ruin my boss's fantasy. She won't mind being a hero." Raiyan smiled again making her lips move too. "Everything is fine, do not worry. We haven't heard from her but she might do something or maybe she will do nothing. It is such a small thing for her. She and her people know their way."

"That is what I believe too. This is too small of a fight for her to care. I was surprised when she showed up at your building. The office I mean. I did not expect her to even think of it. I thought she would but roll her eyes, get her lawyers at work and wait for her win. Her showing up makes me think maybe something is up."

"I feel the same. Something pricked her in the sour spot. Maybe it's her grieving. She must be upset so she got angry."

"But she has all the power. She cannot lose. And if it did hit her in the spot then how come she contacted you and not me? I was the one who bothered her, why is she not coming to me? She doesn't care about me or bothering me, that is puzzling."

"What is more puzzling is your confidence. Why are you so sure that she will win? And if you were indeed sure, why did you start the battle only to lose?"

"I am not hundred per cent sure she would win, I sure am not delusional. I know her chances are high and I know me getting what I want is a very far reach dream. I just wanted to try. I did not want to give up without giving it a try. I do not wish to sit in my room one day, regretting giving up. Plus I have nothing to lose. I am not getting on the wrong side of my brother, nor am I losing anything I already haven't. It seemed like a fair deal, so I did. I am ready to lose, I am not ready for another regret. Do you think I am wrong?"

Haajar raised her eyebrows and paused for a moment before she said, "I think it is fair. I can understand your reason. Timing is maybe a little dark but overall if we think you are doing right."

"Timing has been my biggest enemy but I had no choice. She is moving fast, I need to move faster. There is nothing that I dislike more than this. If I could I would have waited. For year's if needed but trust me when I say this, I would have not done anything now."

"I believe you had no choice, so it is okay. Sometimes we have no choice but to get on the wrong side. It is okay. Do not think so much. You did what was right, even if that made you evil. You did it for a reason, so do not let your brain tell you that you are wrong. Our brain is anything but wise or right for that matter."

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