Chapter 18 - Good riddance to bad rubbish

Start from the beginning

"You need to learn how to be patient"

"Not with Zee. She makes it absolutely impossible and I'm not ready to die of depression" I chuckled once again "bari sai na zo Gobe, za mu sha gulma!"

"A'a ni Babu ruwa na wallahi"

"Matsoraciya!" She laughed hard "see you tomorrow, bye"

"Bye" And then we hung up. I stood up to hand his phone back to him, only to meet that guy eating my ice cream.

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow.

He lifted his head to look at me as he froze like an antelope in headlights.

"Who Said you could eat my ice cream?"

"I never asked" he shrugged and pushed another spoonful into his mouth, which annoyed me so much that I just had to snatch the bowl away from him "oh c'mon! There's only one scoop left"

"Yes! Because you ate two in just a minute" I eyed him "didn't you say you hated ice cream?"

"I didn't know it was this good" he replied "let me finish this and I promise I'll buy more for you"

He clearly has a sweet tooth.

"Say please" I demanded.


"Toh Bazan bada ba; Then you're not gettin any"

"Okay fine. Please"

I smiled, happy with my victory before handing the bowl to him, along with his phone, to which he muttered a quick thank you before he sat down and immediately continued to eat the ice cream.

"I have a question" I Said.


"why don't you ever wear a shirt?"

"Why don't you ever mind your business?" He replied almost immediately, making me raise an eyebrow at the sudden serve of attitude.

"Of course! Na Baka ice cream ai, dole ka mun wulakanci; you have the guts to be rude again since I gave you my ice cream" I clicked my tongue "but no problem, there's always a next time"

"There won't be, I'll just buy my own ice cream from now on, so don't get your hopes up" he smirked.

I wish this same energy could be kept forever, but I knew it was short lived and only possible because Layla wasn't around. Ever since she got that Audi, she barely stayed at home. She went out since 7 that day to God knows where, hence the drama free vibes, but I knew that the moment she got back, my peace would fly out the window.


"Pass me some scotch eggs"

"Where's the kunu?"

"Nikam na koshi"

our picnic was going P-E-R-F-E-C-T! We were having so much fun and it just started about 30 minutes ago. I knew it was going to be amazing but I did not expect to be having that much fun in such a short time. I was already craving for more time and wishing we could stay like that forever and ever and ever.

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