Chapter four: Living nightmare

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TW: slight sexual harassment

Y/n POV:

As the week went by, my hopes of prince Loki changing started to fade. He was so much worse than the first day I met him. It's like he has nothing to do, except to make my life a living nightmare. His pranks are getting way too far. One time at dinner, he stuck his foot and tripped me; making me spill the wine on him so he could shout at me. Another time was when I was cleaning his chambers. I was making his bed and at of no where, a snake jumped at me. Also, he enjoys criticizing my work. Nothing that I do pleases him. Sometimes I wish I could just scream at him, and tell him that just because he is a prince, that does not give him the right to treat people like shit. The only thing that I did and can do was to write shit about him in my dairy.

Every day I waited for Friday to come, just so I can go home and see my mother. Even though my relationship with my mother is strong, I never told her about Loki and the way he treated me. Whenever she asks me how was work, I simply reply with it was good.

I was sitting with my mother on the couch and she asked me "So, do you have any friends back there?". Not that Loki gave me time to meet anyone, but there was this one girl that I talked to. I just looked at her and nodded. She continued "really, that's amazing. What is her name, how did you meet?"

I smiled at her and replied "Well, we aren't exactly friends but we have talked a few times. Her name is Liv, and we met in the kitchen preparing the meals. She was really nice to me and showed me around".

My mother hummed and nodded "that is good to know dear."

I just smiled at her and nodded.


Time skip to the next day.

I was back at the palace and went to my chambers. It was still early in the morning and I knew that Loki was sleeping, and would not need me until it was time to serve him breakfast. I sat on my bed and continued where I left with F/b. After an hour of reading I finished the book, I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare the food for Loki. I put the food and drink on the tray, and went to Loki's chambers. I knocked on his door three times and waited. When he didn't reply, I knocked on his door again and said "Your highness, your breakfast".

I heard a grunt then a sleepy voice said "come in". I opened the door and went in and left his food on the small coffee table that he had. I turned around and I was shocked by the scene in front of me. There he was sleeping with two women in his bed. I froze for a bit not knowing what to do. I was about to leave but stopped when I heard him say "and where do you think you are going?"

I simply looked at him and said "I thought you wanted some privacy". He chuckled and shook his head then told me to stay. He woke the two women next to him, and told them to leave. I saw them get out of the bed, I let my head fall to the ground so they could change. They finished and both of them gave Loki a kiss and then left.

"Bring the tray here" he said. I nodded and brought the tray to his bed.

"Anything else, your highness?" I asked.

"Actually yes, feed me will you" he said while looking at me gesturing me to sit on his bed. I looked at him for a few seconds then nodded, I sat in front of him on the bed then took the grapes from the tray. I looked at him and took the grape to his lips. He opened his lips and ate the grape. His lips touching my fingers gave a funny feeling to my stomach. I waited for him to swallow it and then took the second one to his lips.

After a few minutes of feeding him, he looked at me and said "Can I ask you something personal?"

I nodded and said "Yes, your highness"

He looked at me and asked "Are you courting anyone?" I looked at him and shook my head (no). He then continued "interesting, well I expected that from your reactions to things" he laughed it out. and I just mentally sighted.

I stood up with the tray and asked him "Is there anything else you require of me?"

"Run a bath for me" he said

I nodded and went to prepare his bath. I went to his bathroom and went to the tub to fill it. As I was waiting for the tub to fill, I felt someone behind me. I was about to turn when Loki's hands grabbed my arms. He was so close to my back. I felt his cock poking my lower back. He moved my H/c hair away so that his lips hovered my ears. He kissed the loop of my ears, which made me shiver.

I was so scared and nervous of the situation that I'm in. I said with a shaking voice "W-what are you d-doing?" He ignored me and moved his lips to my neck and kissed it slowly until he reached my sweet spot. I tried to get out of his grip but his arms held me in place. "P-please your highness, please s-stop." I begged with tears forming in my eyes.

He chuckled and said "why should I pet?"

"Please" I begged

"You sound beautiful when you're begging me to stop. I wonder what it's like the other way around. Shall we test it out?"

"NO" I said, almost shouting. "No, your highness, please don't" I pleaded.

He chuckled and let go of me and said "Don't worry I'm not going to touch you, you're not even my type."

I sighed in relief and wiped my tears. He got in the tub and I went to clean him up without a word. After I was done, I handed him the towel, and went to get his clothes out. While he was drying himself in the bathroom, I made his bed, then took the tray from the coffee table. As I was about to leave, but stopped as he spoke to me "Not a single word of what happened. If I knew you were just thinking of telling someone, trust me you won't like what will happen." I nodded, "Use your words".

"Yes, your highness" I said, terrified. He nodded, and I left immediately. Tears formed in my eyes as I went to the kitchen. I left the tray, and ran to my chambers quickly. I sat on the bed crying at what happened to me. I cried until my pillow was soaked with tears. I just couldn't believe that this happened to me.

After hours of crying, I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My face was puffy from crying. I thought to myself I had to stay strong. I washed my face and went back to the chambers. I sat on the bed for a few seconds then thought to myself that I should distract myself, and that's how I found myself in the library.

Third person POV:

Y/n walks through the library and looks at the books, she loves reading more than anything. She never gets bored, it's her way of escaping reality. While she was looking for a book to read. Loki was already there picking a new book to read. When he saw her, he was shocked he never thought that she would be here. He smirked to himself and went to annoy her. He went to her, but Y/n was so focused on the book in her hands. He cleared his throat, and Y/n jumped in fear then turned to see the last person she wanted to see.

"What are you doing here pet?" Loki said

"Finding a book to read, your highness" Y/n replied.

"I see, but why does an ambátt like you interested in reading a book?" he said

Y/n felt hurt from his words. Even if she was a servant that doesn't mean she is stupid, and can't read. She answered him saying "I enjoyed reading since I was a little girl, my father used to bring me books from Midgard and read them for me. And ever since then I really enjoy reading, it helps me escape reality. Also, it reminds me of my father."

Loki looked at her and simply nodded "what happened to your father?"

She looked at him with sad eyes and said "He passed away when I was ten years old". Loki looked at Y/n and didn't know what to say or feel. Y/n sensed it and cleared her throat and said "Excuse me your highness, but I have to go now". He nodded and let her go.

Loki had a weird feeling in his heart, did he feel bad for what he did to her this morning? No, he cannot feel this way, especially not to a servant that was beneath him. Besides, what if she was lying to him? To make him feel guilty for what he did to her? He pushed his thoughts away, and went to continue his plan for the day.

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