Chapter one: Sick

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Third person POV:
Y/n enters her small house after coming from grocery shopping. She goes to the kitchen to put the groceries while humming an Asgardian song that her mother used to sing to her when she was a little girl. After putting the groceries away, she went to her room to read her favourite book. She picks F/b and started to read where she stopped last time.

After few hours Y/n's mother came home and called "Y/n, where are you dear?"
"I'm in my room mother." Y/n answered, and continued "Do you need something from me mother?"
"No, dear just checking if you are home." Y/n mother answered, and sat on the couch of the living room.

Y/n POV:
After I finished reading a couple of chapters, I closed my book and set it aside on the small table next to my bed. I jumped out of my bed and stretched out before leaving my room to go see my mother. I saw her on the couch and went to sit next to her.

I put my head on her shoulder and asked "How was your day mother?"

She played with my long H/c hair and answered "A little exhausted to be honest. I fear I'm getting too old for this job." She laughed awkwardly.

I looked up at her "Nonsense, mother you are still young and beautiful as always." I reassured her.

"Thank you dear" she replied and kissed me on the head. She stood up and continued to speak "So, what do you want for din..." she felt dizzy and almost fell.

I went to catch her quickly "Are you ok mother? Sit back down please." I said while leading her to the couch again.

"I'm fine dear just felt dizzy. Must have been from working long hours." She answered and went to stand up again but I stopped her.

I went to the kitchen quickly and brought her a glass of water, handing it to her and say "here you go drink this.". As she took the water from my hand, I told her "I will be cooking tonight, you should relax. This is a command so, there is no room for discussion!" she laughed defeatedly. I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

After about an hour or so, I went to prepare the dinner table that is between the kitchen and the leaving room. I set the table adding the plates, and other supplies. Then I came back with the food and drinks. I went to my mother and she was looking at me with a smile. I asked her what was she smiling about, and she just said "Nothing dear, I'm just so happy and proud of the women you became. You know without your father and me constantly working, you turned out to be this amazing, beautiful, kind, and strong woman."

I simply smiled at her and said "this was all you mother, you raised me this way. You taught me everything and showed me the beauty of things, even the simple and small ones. You taught me to be kind to others and to not judge them. Also, you are my best friend well my only friend. I wouldn't change a thing about my life so, thank you." I saw her eyes water and then quickly added "Now enough with the complements and let's eat, shall we?" I curtsy. We laughed and went to eat.

After a couple of minutes, we finished and my mother went to pick up her plate but I told her that I will do everything. I took her to her room, tugged her in her bed, kissed her forehead, and told her "Young lady no work for you tomorrow I will inform the palace of your condition, and then I will take you tothe healers."

She wanted to protest but I didn't let her. Then she looked at me defeated because she knows how stubborn I am, she is stubborn as well but not as much as me. We said our goodnights. Then I went to clean up the dishes and put them back to their places.

I went to my room and took my diary and started to write. I always loved the way Midgardians do things. Midgard is a beautiful realm; I remember my father, used to bring me their books and he told me stories about his trips. I finished writing and closed my diary. Then, I set it aside on the small table near my bed. Then, I went to sleep.

That's the end of the first chapter thank you for reading, this is a simple and short one. Maybe it's not interesting to some people. but I wanted to show the relationship between Y/n and her mother, because it will explain Y/n behaviour later on. The next chapter Y/n will see Loki but won't interact till the third chapter, and from there the fun will begin.

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