[30] Upstarts and broken hearts

Start from the beginning

"Nah, haven't had the chance yet." I told her honestly. "I just got home a little while ago and started cleaning, did the dishes and emptied the trash and shit." I said getting up as well.

"Want me to make something just for us?" She asked and then looked down at Abel. "Wanna have dinner with two lovely ladies Abel?" She asked him tickling his belly and we all laughed.

I nodded. "Just let me run back to change and get the clothes off the floor and I'll come out and watch him if you're cookin' doc." I said heading back to my bedroom while she laughed and played the kid.

I went into my room and sighed shaking my head, I was right. I laughed a little beginning to pick up the jeans and socks and shirts all around the room and put them into the laundry bag in the corner. After that was finished I changed into a pair of light blue jeans and a black tank top with a thin, red flannel over that and went back out into the living room. Once I was sat down with Abel Tara went into the kitchen to start cooking. I lifted Abel into my arms and started off towards the kitchen.

"Lets go watch mama while she cooks for me huh?" I asked with a laugh. "Not everyday Aunt So has a pretty lady cook for her." I said coming into the kitchen and Tara laughed hearing the end of the conversation. I sat down at the table with Abel in my arms still and watched Tara as she asked where certain things were in my kitchen.

"Chibs definitely kept the place stocked while you were away." She said laughing, I laughed and nodded as she continued on. "Hows that going anyway?" she asked me.

I sighed. "Well as good as it can go I guess." I looked down to Abel playing with the ring on my middle finger and shook my head. "Just wondering where all this is gonna go." I said softly. "With what I did with Tig, getting Jax in the middle and keepin' these secrets..."

"Have faith in him Sonya," She said cutting me off, her back still turned to me, preparing lunch.

"Really original doc." I said with a sigh. "Mamma's funny huh Abel." I said to the baby booping his little nose which got a smile from him. After Tara was done cooking she fixed us up a plate each and we made our way to the living room to watch a movie and feed Abel as well. this whole situation feels normal, like if Tara had dated a normal guy and is now getting along with his normal sister, like we aren't part of something like SAMCRO and this was just a normal afternoon. We have dinner, dote on the baby, and then she would go home to Jackson and Chibs would come home to me. Our movie selection was pretty slim too, aside from the movies that Chibs brought here there was nothing too kid friendly so we just through on some television. This was one of those times I was happy to have Netflix.

In the middle of the movie Tara's phone buzzed in her pocket and she chuckled. "Its the other Teller troublemaker." she said answering the text message.

"Teller troublemaker?" I asked wrinkling my nose. I looked down to Abel laying on my left arm while I was laying back on the couch. "Can you believe that Abel? She thinks me and your dad are trouble makers...outrageous." I said rolling my eyes, making Tara laugh and hit my leg with her pillow. I smiled and yawned wide just as Abel was doing now.

"You can catch a nap if you want Sonya." Tara said getting up, grabbing our plates to take the kitchen.

I laughed softly. "I should kick Chibs out and have you move in." I joked. "He can live with Jax, we got this little handsome man to keep us company." I said as my eyes were growing more heavy. All of a sudden Tara leaned over the back of my couch, looking right down to my face from above me. "Not sayin' in a sexual way weirdo, don't kiss me damn." I joked.

"Can you do something for me?" she asked. I nodded. "Can you tell your brother you wanted me to bring Abel over...only if he asks about it...ya know." she told me. I raised an eyebrow at her. "I just don't know how he feels about me taking Abel now and then..."

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