15. Flowers

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The sun hovers just below the top of the wall when I wake. I'm surprised I even woke at all. I had a difficult time falling asleep. I was too excited.

I glance over at the corner where Gally usually sleeps. His bag is already rolled up and tucked away in the corner. He must have woken early. He also did not sleep well, but for different reasons. I try not to think about it. I grab my stuff and pile it into the bag Newt gave me, and head to the kitchens.

Frypan and Jim are already up and finishing breakfast preparations when I walk in.

"Hey, Greenie! Today is your big day. Are you excited?" I can barely see Frypan from behind a giant pot of porridge.

"I am!" I shout, half skipping towards him.

"I'm happy for you too. Not every Greenie gets their own cabin." I laugh, grabbing the spoon from him, and giving the porridge a little stir.

"I'm not every Greenie. I'm special." As he steps back and crosses his arms over his chest, I stick out my tongue.

"I don't think special is the right word. You are something else, though." He gives me a hardy chuckle before swiping the spoon out of my hand. "Are you looking forward to Green Bean Day tomorrow?"

"Oh, I'm excited about that too. It'll be kind of surreal seeing how I came into this world." I think back to when I was in the box, shivering, confused, and scared.

"It's usually a weird experience for most Greenies." He puts out the fire before moving the giant pot off the heat.

"Is that how it was for you?" I asked, picking up an apple and polishing it on my sleeve.

Fry strolls over and grabs the apple from me before I can bite into it. "Nope, I woke up in the first group. There were thirty of us. It was a month before we got our first Green Bean. Those were much darker times." He teased, biting the apple before giving it back to me.

"Ew." I giggle, taking a bite from the other side. "You mean the darker times of about 7 months ago."

"We don't speak of the dark times of about 7 months ago. Now get out of my kitchen and go move in already." Fry throws a towel at me, causing me to laugh. I catch and throw it back, waving goodbye and heading to my new home.

By now, the sun is over the wall and shining through the windows when I walk in. My bed was already in place under the skylight, along with the table and dresser I had made. I fill the dresser with the few things I own and sit on the thick straw and wool mattress Winston made me. It's lumpy, but it's mine. I have to remember to make Winston a gift on my day off.

I'm sitting in bliss, enjoying my new surroundings, when something catches my eye. Bright yellow and white wildflowers in a tiny cement pot were placed on my table. Why didn't I notice that sooner? I walk over to the flowers, leaning over and smelling them. That's when I spot a note hidden between the stems. I grabbed the message and read it.

I'll always be here for you.

I smell them again, the sweet floral fragrance filling my nose. I don't have to wonder for long who left them. Only Newt could leave such a thoughtful gesture. I add his name to the list of gifts I should make for people before laying back down on my bed to enjoy the skylight. Before long, the breakfast bell goes off. Reluctantly, I get up and head to the Mess for breakfast.


I grab my food and scan the room for Newt. He's sitting at a corner table with Alby and Minho.

"How do you like your new digs?" Minho asks, getting up as I sit down.

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