4. Calming Down

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I was having trouble with the chapter that I wanted to come after this. In hopes that I could work out some of my creative blocks I sat down and pushed this out. I'm sort of satisfied with this. It's REALLY SHORT though. On the postive though the next one I had to break up into two parts because it was too long.


Gally - PoV

I step out of the meeting hall, my chest burning with rage. I can't tell if I'm angrier with myself or mad at the situation. What's done is done. I head over to the builders' area to cool off. The sun has almost set, and I watch the sky transform from light blue to dark red and purple. I wish I could remember what a real sunset looked like.

Alec, Peter, and Henry finish up their stations as I trudge to mine. They start to wander over when I flip my workbench over. Tools fly in every direction. They all stop, eyes wide, mouths are agape. Alec and Peter turn and head back to their own tables. Henry continues cautiously.

"Everything okay there, Cap'n?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose, and we stand in silence for a moment. Henry turns to leave. "Wait, we need to talk. ALEC, PETER, get over here!" They put the last of their tools away and jog over. "There are a few things I need to tell you." I grabbed my table and flipped it back. They all scurry about gathering the table's contents and begin putting them away for me.

"What happened at the meeting?" After an eternity of silence with only the clinking of tools to break it up, Henry asks.

"They've adopted a rule for the girl Greenie." I sigh, leaning with both hands on the table. I feel my body weight shift the wood, but it's strong because I built it. "Basically, don't touch her, or go near her, or you'll be banished to the maze." Alec and Peter both nodded like it was an obvious rule they should follow.

Henry looked at me, horrified. "Th-the... maze? That seems a wee bit harsh, yeah?"

I shrug. "I guess don't go near her unless it's for work."

"But, you could die in the maze."

I'm irritated again. Sometimes I forget how young Henry is until he opens his mouth. "It wasn't my decision, but I will enforce it. Do you have anything else to add?"

"No, sir." He takes a step back, staring at the ground.

"Okay, the last thing we need to do is prepare to build a cabin."

"Another cabin? For who?" Peter was confused, but then Peter was often confused.

I watch Alec smile and roll his eyes. I echo this sentiment internally. A migraine begins to form behind my eyes. I rub my temples in hopes of temporary relief. I take a deep breath, calming my inner rage. "The cabin will be built for our new Greenie. We start tomorrow, first thing in the morning."

Again, confused, Peter opens his mouth. "But, why does she get a cabin? Why can't she sleep where everyone else sleeps?"

Alec facepalms. I had to turn away, so they wouldn't see me smile. I busy myself with a pile of wood on the ground as a broad smile forms across my face.

I don't have to answer because Alec has spoken up. "For privacy, you shuckface."

Peter stands there for a moment, thinking, as I turn to watch the gears turn in his tiny brain. He's

not my favourite worker, but he's deceptively strong and never says no to a task you give him. I'm not sure if it's because he likes to work, or he's just too dumb to say no. His eyes grow wide, and he finally gets it.

"Oh! Because she's a girl." He smiles triumphantly. Alec pats him on the shoulder, matching his smile.

"I'm glad you managed to work that out without hurting yourself. We'll meet at the builder cabin to draw up some plans and mark out a spot."

They all nodded and headed for the Homestead as I finished cleaning. I turn to the pile of wood and sling it over my shoulder.

"HEY!" I yell, they all turn to look at me. "Tell the others too." Alec nods, giving me a half-hearted salute. I get the pile down by the work cabin in time for the dinner bell to go off. I could feel I was hungry, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to face the other keepers yet.

I try to clear my mind of anger and guilt. I slow my pace to give myself more time to calm down. My mind wanders to her face. The shape of her nose, the arch of her eyebrows, and her hair colour. I shake my head. That isn't how I want to calm down. Also, why would my mind go there? Of all places. She's the one I'm angry with. I clear my mind, and again she pops into my head. The way she looked scared and frail in the box, the ease with which I picked her up. The way her body felt in my hands. No. Enough of that. I try to shake her out of my mind again and head to dinner. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.----------------------------------------------------------------

I'm feeling based on my writing getting to Gally might be a slow road. But hopefully it's worth it in the end. I've always been a fan of slow burn romances. I'll pick up the pace eventually... Just not today!  Until next time!

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