7. Broken

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Gally POV

I watch her carry the bag of chickens towards the kitchens. A warm sensation fills my chest. Is that pride? I push it down and turn back to my table. I don't have time for this right now.

"Pretty impressive, hey Cap'?" Henry is behind me. I didn't hear him walk up. I try not to show that he startled me. "I guess we're tilling Newt's fields, huh?"

"We?" I snap, glaring at him. He's surprised. "You mean you."

"But Cap', the bet was between you and Newt."

"That bet wouldn't have happened if you didn't open your big mouth. Now get back to work." He slinks away, disappointed. I turn around to watch her again, but she's gone. Deciding I have better things to do, I stare down at the crudely drawn plans in my hands. They're supposed to be the plans for her cabin. They're simple, not my best work, but functional. I try to make some final touches when I see Newt hobbling over as fast as he can.

"GALLY!" he calls to me. I ignore him and study my plans. "GALLY!" I don't lookup. I'm irritated because I know he's only coming over to rub it in that I lost. "Gally!" He's frustrated, now standing at my table. "I was calling you. We need your help."

"With what?" I hiss. "Tilling the fields. You don't expect to hold me to that bet?" I toss the plans on the table and fold my arms.

"No, it's Justin. He fell in the maze. He's badly injured. Leo needs your help to carry him the rest of the way." I take off my tool belt and follow Newt to the south gate. I don't really like Justin, but then I don't like most guys here.

This time I hear Henry running to catch me.

"Where are you going, Cap'?" He calls from behind

"None of your damn business. Tell Eric he's in charge and to go over the plans." I call back

"What plans?" Is he serious?

"One-second Newt." I sigh, turning on my heel and marching back to Henry. His eyes grow big as he backs away. "Eric!" I shout over Henry's head.

"Yes, Boss!" He puts down his tools and jogs to my table.

"Take these plans and go over them with the boys, then pick out and mark a spot to put it."

"Yes, boss." He sings, taking the plans.

"You're in charge. I have Keeper things to do." He nods and walks away.

I leave with Newt, who cuts straight across to the south gate.


Justin is on the ground, just outside the gate, when we get there. He's screaming in pain with Leo beside him, out of breath, rubbing his own legs and arms.

"What in the klunk happened here?" I yell over Justin's wailing.

"I don't know what happened." He shouts between Justin's cries. "It's the same wall we climb near junction four every other day." He cups his hands around his mouth, I strain my ears to hear. "We were at the top, just looking around and then...." Justin stops screaming. I look to Newt as he leans down to check on him. A piece of his shirt was tied around his leg above a ghost white piece of bone.

"He's only passed out from the pain." Newt stands up like that wasn't a weird thing to say. "Keep going, Leo."

"When he fell, he said it was like something pulled his leg."

"What do you mean something pulled his leg?" A slight tinge of panic spreads across my brain.

"Could it have been a Griever?" Newt asks. It's been a while since I've seen Newt this intense. It's also been a while since we've had to worry about Grievers.

The GladeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora