Chapter 6 - Patrick

Start from the beginning

Violet murmured, 'We must, we must. If only I wasn't haunted by those women whose jobs will be snatched from them when the boys come home.'

Emma's eyebrows rose and she wondered what Violet was thinking.

'But we have to find work for our heroes, don't we? That must be our priority.'


'However hard that might sound.'

'Mm. As you say. And what about those wretched refugees? What will become of them?'

Isobel nodded and said, 'Ah. Now you've struck a chord.'

Violet was shocked, 'Have I really? Oh, thank heaven.'

'What do you mean?'

'Mm? Nothing. Only the thought of those poor men and women flung across Europe far from their homelands, and so much in need of your help.'

'My help? Why do you say that?'

'When it comes to helping refugees, your experience renders your value beyond price. One of the organisers said those words.' Violet praised.

'Which organiser?'

Violet was silent for a moment, then said, 'I forget.'

'What about running Downton? I can't do both.'

Emma was now getting the game of what was going on, and she quickly turned to Isobel.

'You must decide what is more important: exercise classes and lectures on pottery, or helping men and women build a new life.'

Isobel looked sincere at the thought and she stood up.

'I must go. But I will think about it.'

Violet rang the bell.

'Are you coming to Cousin Robert's dinner tonight?'

'Are you?' Violet asked.

'Well, I didn't feel I could say no. He sent a note this morning and was most insistent. What's it about?'

'No clue, it sounded like an emergency family meeting, as far as I am aware.' Emma said, shrugging.

Isobel turned to Violet.

'I have no idea. But we'll talk there. We're onto something for you. We mustn't let the iron grow cold.'

Isobel smiled and left the room.

'Now that she's gone, hopefully she'll forget ruining private houses.' Violet mumbled.

Emma crooked her head and said, 'You know Cousin Isobel, once she has an idea, she'll stick with it.'

'Hmm, how unfortunate.'

Emma smiled warmly at her granny's wit. She knew that Violet cared a lot for Isobel and whether she liked to admit it or not that they were friends.

'So, have you found anything about Grace, it's been months since you set a hound on her.'

Violet pursed her lips and said, 'Well, I have.'

Emma's eyebrow rose and she said, 'Go on.'

'It turns out the man she was cavorting with is a Mr. Fredrick Whitmore, a divorcee. They had been seeing each other since early 1913. Of course, her father disapproves of the match-'

'Let me guess, it's because he doesn't have a title.' Emma said condescendingly.

'Exactly. When Lord Bedford dies, his title, his money and the estate would go to his son, and his daughter would have nothing.'

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