"Yeah," Pandora smiled, "I can't wait to marry him."

"I can't believe you're speaking of marriage!" Adora smiled, "I couldn't ever be wed as young as we are, I'm much too immature."

"I've never once thought to wait," Pandora said, "I suppose it's just tradition, after all, I've practically been betrothed to Regulus since I was born. I've had more than enough time to prepare."

"Do you resent the idea?" Adora asked, "of an arranged marriage I mean?"

"I suppose I would," Pandora said thoughtfully, "if it were anyone else, however, I love Regulus, so I'm actually quite grateful, are you betrothed?"

"Oh, no," Adora giggled, "I am the result of an arranged marriage and my parents despise each other. They cannot agree on anything except the fact that I'll be able to chose who I wed. I don't think they wanted what happened to them to happen to me."

"There's was no real love between my parents either," Pandora said, "but my father died a few years ago, and my mother and I can't stand each other."

"That's too bad," Adora said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Pandora smiled softly, playing with the delicate necklace that was always around her neck, "it's in the past now."

"Do you have any siblings?" Adora asked, "I've got one, my little brother, Sullivan, he's a fourth year— Ravenclaw."

"I have two..." Pandora said, "brothers, I mean, they're both older, Rodolphus and Rabastan...and I suppose Bellatrix is my sister-in-law."

"I've always wanted a sister," Adora sighed, "it's such a shame, but I do love my brother, even though he drives me mad, I bet you can relate."

"Oh, I don't know," Pandora smiled, "my brothers are much older than me, we never fought much."

"Oh, I see," Adora said, digging in her bag, "licorice?"

"We're at Hogwarts," Pandora said a few hours later, shaking the blonde across from her awake.

"Are we really?" Adora yawned, "sorry, must've fallen asleep on you."

"Don't worry about it," Pandora said, "go and put on your robes."

"Oh, right," Adora groaned, opening her trunk.

"Pandora?" The door slid open and Regulus stepped inside.

He regarded Adora with a hesitant glance, "who is this?"

Adora turned around and offered her hand, "Adora Fawley, pleasure to meet you."

"Fawley," Regulus nodded, shaking her hand, "a respectable name."

"Not as respectable as Black," Adora chuckled, "I'm so sorry to run but I've got to go put on my uniform, it was nice to meet you, and I'll see you later Pandora!"

"Bye!" Pandora waved, watching the tall girl push through people to get to the restroom.

"Ready?" Regulus asked, offering his hand.

"Yeah," Pandora laced her fingers with his, "come, all the good carriages are going to be gone."

"How was your ride?" Regulus asked, helping her into a carriage.

"Fine, thanks," Pandora said, "and how was yours?"

"I would've much rather been with you," Regulus whispered, kissing her hand.

"But you weren't," Pandora snapped. Her eyes immediately widened and a hand shot to her mouth, "I'm so sorry, Reg, you know I don't mean it."

"On the contraire, Dora, I know that's exactly what you meant," he said with a sigh and a sad smile.

"I'm sorry." She said.

Regulus placed an arm over her shoulder, resting his cheek on her head, "no, Pandora, I'm sorry, I know this is not the life you would've chose."

"No, it is not," Pandora said plainly, "but I'd chose it over and over again if it meant I could be with you. Anything we do we do together."

"I love you," Regulus breathed, "for as long as I live, it's funny to think our love was merely a business agreement."

"We had and arranged betrothal, Regulus," Pandora giggled, "not an arranged love...that was merely coincidental."

"Oh, I don't know about that," Regulus laughed, "I would've had to be mad not to fall helplessly in love with you...so coincidental, no, inevitable? Maybe?"

"Inevitable, then," Pandora agreed, "promise me we'll be like this forever?"

"I promise." Regulus whispered.

Some promises were meant to be broken.

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