𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

Start from the beginning

Enzo figured it was May so he quietly came behind her. The girl didn't notice him at all as she continued to splash her find up and down in the clear water while the sun soaked up her little body.

Enzo decided to welcome her extra special welcome and gave her a kiss on the forehead, even though all he could see was the bright yellow hat. The girl was startled as she turned around. Enzo froze when he realized who it was... Amira.

And not May. The timing could not have been worse because Maylene walks right in. Shock fills her body at what she's witnessed. Is Enzo kissing Amira? She couldn't believe it. Enzo liked Amira and not her.

"Oh I-I thought you were May," Enzo's hand scratches the back of his head in regret and embarrassment washes through him. Had he been so stupid?

"It's okay," Amira says with discomfort visible on her face. Before Enzo could speak, he caught a wide-eyed May in the corner of his eyes. Oh no he thought.

As he tried to reach her, the little girl ran away. He was determined to follow behind only until a hand pulled him back. His gaze catches his father.

"Come inside," his father's words slipped out before Enzo could catch another glance at Maylene. He shook his head without a second thought. He should have known better than to defy his father's orders, but the thought of hurting May clouded his judgement.

Mr. Devlin's eyes widen as he observes his son's sudden shift in attitude, causing his grip to tighten and Enzo's body to jerk back.

"You better not disappoint boy, this is a huge deal for us," his father warns with a glare planted on his face as Enzo begins to shiver under his father's touch. He wanted to chase after May but he knew better than to disappoint his father.

Once inside, he is offered to take a seat with the grown-ups. Enzo didn't understand why they wanted him here. He didn't care anyway. All he cared about was May and what she must be thinking right now.

"Enzo, pay attention," his father almost yells, noticing Enzo staring out in the window. Enzo's head imminently turns and he finds both his father and Mr.Mattise staring at him.

"So it's final then?

"We will merge the mafias. As soon as my daughter turns 18, she shall wed Enzo," Mr.Mattise explained while sipping a glass of champagne. That got Enzo's attention. May was going to marry him?

Enzo's family desperately needed this deal to work out and the Mattise were kind enough to offer them it.

"NO!" A scream comes from the corner of the room. Everyone turned their heads to find Maylene, her eyes filled with tears.

"Sweetie, come here. What happened?" Her father approached her as she wiped her tears. Enzo felt his heat get sliced up as he felt responsible for her tears. He hated seeing her like this. He really did.

"Enzo," she pointed a finger at him which earned him another glare from his father.

"He's mean and I-I never want to marry him," she finishes as she turns her head to her father. Enzo felt horrible.

"Maylene, I'm sure whatever happened is a mistake-," Mr.Matisse tries to calm Maylene down by placing one of his hands on her shoulder, and the other brushing her hair. Maylene felt hurt. Betrayed. Angry.

She couldn't believe Enzo sat right there. In her house. With her parents. After what he'd done, she never wanted to see him again.

"No, I want him out of here," she nearly yells. Enzo took a nervous gulp. She wanted him gone. It was like someone had torn his heart.

"Are you sure?" her father questions.

"Yes," she nods before her mother appears, taking her hand in hers and tugging her away. A small smirk appears on her face before she fades from view.

"The deal is off," Mr. Matisse declares angrily. I knew Mr. Mattise always prioritized family, so I understand why he cut the deal based on her feelings.

"Giovanni, please reconsider," my father urged as he rose from his chair. I could tell he was suppressing his emotions.

"No. Your son is clearly not welcome here, so I advise you to leave right away." Father's eyes enlarged. He was angered.

"Let's just go, Dad," I try to say.

"Wait till we get home boy," my father threatens, his face aglow with rage. Oh, no.


QOTC: What do you think happened when Enzo and his father went home?

Q&A: Why does Enzo blame May, even though his father is the main cause of his abuse?  We always want someone to blame because it is easier that way as Enzo mentioned. He had been through some serious trauma, and while May was not the primary cause of it, his father imposed that hatred for her on him.

We're at 85k+ reads!! - Thank you so much, this is unbelievable!!!!  <33

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- t & s

See you in the next chapter...

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