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Melody POV
"Bestie bestie" "huh" "we gotta get up we have court in two hours we have to eat and get dressed" "ight come on" my dad was really serious about this he just dose to much and while we are at court I hope he loose custody completely *time jump* so me and

China are on are way to my moms house because that's where everybody decided to meet up at my mood was already all over the place because of what happened last night with Latrell then I gotta stand in a court house for hours just to be more annoyed but we

pulled up to my moms house and got out the car and went in "hey baby" "hey nugget" "hey chunk" all my siblings where at my moms house and my stepdad and my mom of course "Mel mommy wants you she is in the kitchen" "ight" I walked to the kitchen

and my mom had a smile on her face "hey mommy" "hey sweetie how are you feeling" "I'm ok I just want this to be over I have my own stuff going on and I don't need Richard petty tantrums right now" "everything is going to be ok we are going to get threw

this and then you can get back to your life" "ok mom let's get this over with" *time jump* we are now in the court room about face the judge "ALL RISE FOR JUDGE JACKSON" we all stood up and waited for the judge she finally came out and sat down and looked

around "ok so why are we here today" the judge said my father raise his hand like her was in elementary school "yes mr.black" "well first I want to start off by saying how are you doing" "I'm doing fine please continue me.black" "well as you can tell from the papers I want full custody of my daughter

Melody because I don't believe she is being treat right over with her mother I have witnessed it and she doesn't even live under her mother roof she lives with my older daughter Symphony" the judge looked at my mom and ask her to explain "well my daughter has been through a lot since a younger age

like she has depression and anxiety from her father leaving her then she was bullied in school for year so when she wanted to gain more confidence in a different space who am I to stop my child from being happy especially in a place that is safe and close by she has

all her siblings watching her and she has her best friend and boyfriend she is safe at all time nothing will ever happen to her" the judge nodded her head and looked back at my father "ok mr.black please give me an example on how she is not being treated right"

"well ever time I come around her I get constant disrespect and she dressed inappropriate for her age and her mother Condones it and she got into an altercation with my sister she has terrible mood swing and she let her male friend attack me" the judge nodded her head once again she wasn't saying much the whole case I didn't know why but I just let it slide "ok

ms.melody can you please come and sit in the seat next to me and explain your side of the story" I nodded my head and walked up there and I took a deep breath and said "my father doesn't even believe himself when he says I'm not being treated right he is a controlling narcissistic person and his view on how

woman should act is disrespectful and disgusting and gets angry when I don't obey last time I check I wasn't a dog I'm a human and your supposed to treat other humans with respect yes you should listen to your parents

because they are always trying to help you but if you think it's wrong my mom taught me to let her know if I think something uncalled for not just let it happen and do something that makes me uncomfortable even if it's against her I'm going to be very honest with

you mrs.Jackson if you give full custody to my father you might as well make more room in a homeless shelter or orphanage because I would rather be homeless then to be in a house with him or his other family members he calls my step siblings" "I understand I have my final decision mrs.Johnson

and mr.black y'all will continue with joint custody but mr.black has one day on the weekend of Melody picking case dismissed" everybody started to cheer and cry because we were so happy and I was just relieved because now I can go back to my normal life and I can take

my man back yesterday I heard him out but didn't take him back but now that I'm fully sure we wont have any problems I can take him back "alright y'all we are going out to eat on me" "yaay come on" we got all are stuff and walked out the court room into the

lobby and I seen Latrell and duck sitting on the waiting bench and I walk up to Latrell "hi" "hey" "so yesterday I didn't give you a straight answer I had to get the rest of my baggage and shit under control but if the option of still getting back together was on the table I

would really like that" "your never an option don't say that and of course you think I would put on a suit and miss school and practice for just anybody" I gave him a stank face then he said "I'm just kidding if I didn't come here I

wouldn't forgive myself I feel like god only gives you one soulmate and I would be bat shit crazy if I didn't come here today" I started crying like a big ass baby because he is always saying sweet shit uhhh "I love you baby girl" "I love you too" then we went in for a hug

and kiss "AWWWWW" I turned around and my whole family was looking at me and Latrell and I looked to the side China and duck had the same face as us I guess everybody is back together "since everybody is in a

good mood and happy now let's go gets some food" I guess I could be happy with the right person and I think I did a pretty good job teaching him the game

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