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Melody pov
*car screech* *horns* china grabbed the wheel and swerved me out the way so I wouldn't hit the oncoming car in front of us "Melody let me drive put the car in park and get on my side I'm

driving home" "ok but I don't wanna go home they are going to come to my house" "ok then where do you wanna go" "we can go to my big cousins Sasha's house she will let both of us

stay" "ok Melody call her" *ring ring* "hello" "Sasha can me and china stay with you for a few days" "of course boo you didn't have to ask you could have just showed up" "ok we should be there

in 30 minutes we gotta grab some clothes" "ok just call me when you pull up" *end call* so that was my big cousin she is only two years older than me and we are very close I haven't been

spending much time with her though because I had got a boyfriend but I still keep her updated she lives alone but her boyfriend comes over sometimes which I am cool with so me and China

should be comfortable but anyways we finally pulled up to my house and went in then went straight to my room and started packing bags and getting sneaker box's it looked like we were moving out but it was really clothes for

a week but we got back in the car and starting going to Sasha house it was only a 20 minute drive so me and China just turned on some music and started to calm down and chill*time

jump* we finally mad it to Sasha house no thanks to traffic but we started to get out the car and get our bags and other things we brought and went to the front door *knock knock* after a few seconds my cousin came to the door "OH MY GOSH MY BABIES" me

and China laugh because my cousin is so dramatic we just hung out last month "hey sash" "hey boo" "we'll don't just stand outside come in and hand me one of those bags" so we walked in and she started to lead us up stairs and lead us into a bedroom right next to

hers Sasha only had a two bedroom so that was perfect and she lived not to far from my school*time jump* me,China,and Sasha just sat on the couch we just came from getting food "so you didn't really explain what

happened you told me you got into it with your dad but not the whole story then today you didn't really say anything so what's going on with y'all" "well my father wants to take me and my mother to court because he wants

full custody of me you already knows how he treats me and I'm just stressed I know my mom is not going to loose but still that is just something I don't need" "damn I can just imagine how you feel stink it going to be ok if push comes to shove you can run away to my house" we both laugh because I knew

she was dead serious "I'll keep that in mind but in to the next thing the reason why I came over here today is because I got cheated on" Sasha looked up in disbelief "your boyfriend the one from Christmas party the one who gave you the promise ring" "yup both of our

boyfriends started acting weird a few weeks ago but we let it slide because you know me I don't let a lot of stuff bother me but we came to school today at first we couldn't find them but when I did he had a bitch in his lap and Avery had one in between his legs" "who is

Avery" "that's my boyfriend well ex boyfriend now he doesn't deserve a pet name that bitch can suffer with the little bitch" "damn y'all just been going threw it huh" "yep then the kicker for me is it's the bitches we fought and the bitches they told us not to worry about" "

damn girl I think we need to smoke and get lit I can call my plug and I got bottles in my little bar let's get lit" "right bet let's do it" *time jump* so it now a few hours later and China is passed out Sasha went upstairs because

she is on the phone with her boo and I'm sitting in the living room crossfaded looking dumb because I don't know if I wanna eat or go to bed *ring ring* my phone was ringing but I had to try and find it but I got to it

before it stopped ringing "hello" "hello Mel baby please talk to me" I just hung up because I don't got time for the fuck shit like *ring ring* "what the fuck do you want you chose who you wanna be with I'm not arguing or fighting with

you so speak your peace now" "ok me and duck went to that party when y'all got suspended and we weren't doing anything but they walked up to us on some shit and we didn't know anyone else at the party because are friends

came late so we just decided to talk to them until are friends got there" "ok your not giving me valid reasons to why you sat in my face and cheated" "please just listen I'm trying to explain" I just rolled my eyes at the phone and let him finish his story "we didn't tell y'all we

talked to them because we knew how y'all would react so we kept it on the low because nothing happened then we went to the other party and seen them again and just started conversation and we were talking and that was it I didn't do anything with that girl" "so how

in the fuck did she end up in your lap today I'm not dumb your either lying or not telling the whole truth" "I really don't know what I said to her the first time but I will admit I did flirt with her at the second party and she sat on my

lap today because she wanted to talk and I was trying to tell her that I had you and she wasn't trying to hear it but I will admit I was fully wrong and should had never gave another female my attention please Mel I'm sorry" I had tears pouring down my face

silently "if you loved me like you say you did you wouldn't even give her the time of day you disrespect me and embarrassed me I accept you apology but I'm done I don't wanna be with you anymore goodnight Latrell" and I hung up and went to bed I'm my doing this

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