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Latrell POV
So Mel walked in to give me some soap so I took off all my clothes to see what was she going to do and to my shock she sat there and talked and told me what to do after my shower I'm a just a virgin and I wanted to try something

out and no my brother is not forcing me to lose it I need more than just my hand if you know what I mean but we'll talk more about that later let me get in this shower *time jump* so I hope out the shower and forgot to bring my

clothes in the bathroom so I walk in Mel room with just a towel on now what I didn't mention I have tattoos on my whole upper body my arms,chest,stomach, and my neck you can't really see them because I always

have on hoodies and I have a somewhat nice body because when you are in the house all day that's all you really do is work out and my oldest brother is a tattoo artist so why not right but I walk into Mel room and I cleared my

thought and she look up at me and didn't say anything like she was daydream "Mel Mel Mel" she finally snapped out of it and I ask "where did you put all my clothes" "I never moved them they are still downstairs" "well

can you go get them I don't feel comfortable walking downstairs naked" "boy ain't nobody worried about your little ass dock you better go on about your life before you be sleep

naked"LITTLE that's not what her little day dream was saying "ok I'll just sleep naked" I never new chocolate girls could blush but she quickly covered it by say "BOY GO GET THE DAMN CLOTHES" I just laugh and walked

downstairs but as soon as I got down there I heard a man and a woman talking and I guess they heard me so the man said walking into the living room "hey Mel we just ordered food an-who the fuck is this nigga and why

is he naked" he said pulling out a gun from the back of his pants it was a older man probably her father a uncle but i was scared to death please help

I was day dream about trell and I wasn't mad about it I didn't know he was that fine under all them clothes and that uncut shit on his head but anyway I was done my day dream and I heard yelling down stairs it sound like

my daddy oh shit oh shit I got up and ran downstairs and my daddy had a gun pointed to Latrell "oh shit daddy why do have a gun pointed to my friend" "why is this nigga naked is this what you have been doing since moving

in with your sister really" "we weren't have sex we just came back from the mall and he staying the night on my FLOOR and he just got out the shower but he needed his clothes and I didn't feel like getting them I didn't know

anyone was here" I wasn't going to make him actually sleep on the floor I just had to make my dad feel better "well little nigga go head and put your clothes on around my baby with your dick out" "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean no disrespect" "omg Latrell just go put

your stuff in my room then get dress and come back down so we can eat boy damn" Latrell walked up stairs and now it was time for me to flip the fuck out on my dad my mom and dad aren't together anymore and I only see my

dad on weekend it is the weekend but still he calls or text before he comes over "what the hell is wrong with you pulling a gun on my friend he didn't do anything and you couldn't see his private part and why are you caring

around a gun and why didn't you call first I would have brought his clothes up stairs to him" you see yall are probably think why is she talking to her dad like that well I don't like my biological father he left me for 7 year

and then tried to come back in my life with some type of authority but all he does is disrespect me and I don't have to deal with it I have a older brother and two older sister but I feel like he hates me and I'm all types of hoe's and

whores but he's the perfect dad I don't even have to deal with him if I don't want but he is my sibling dad to so I guess I couldn't get away from him even if I tried "who the hell are you talking to ill buss your ass you better

get some type of respecting your tone" "ok guys it's over" my sister defends me because she knows what he did was wrong and she just began to forgive him but she is always on my side "you know what I'm sorry syn I'm goin to mommy house until he leaves I have tried my best to deal with him but not

today" "COME ON LATRELL LETS GO NOW" a few seconds later he came downstairs with a wife beater some sweat pants and slides I still had on the same thing because I didn't get a chance to get in the shower see this the fuck shit I be talking about I grabbed

my keys hugged my sister told her to text me when he leaves and I'll come home she old me ok and I left to go get into my car "ok so where do you wanna eat" "Umm it doesn't matter" "is canes fine" "yeah Mel I have a question" I knew it was coming so I really didn't

get mad "wassup" "why were you talking to your dad like that if you don't mind me asking" I looked at him crazy then I said "he pulled out a gun on you basically call me a hoe and that's not the first time he reacts to situations like a child and my dad loves my siblings

more than me so why act like I love him" "understandable thank you for defending me and I'm so sorry about your dad" "nah it's good I got tough skin and we are about to go to my mommy's house after getting food your

going to see where I get it from" yes I'm taking him to my moms house this should be fun

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