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Melody POV
It finally time to eat my school had lots of pizza,chips,wings,and soda me and China got up to go eat before everything was gone so we are standing in line and I hear "trell babe what are you talking about" "rakira I have told

you countless fucking times that I don't want you and to stop calling me your nigga I don't find you attractive your too skinny and your always in drama you fucking it up for me getting back with my girl so chill" "WELL you weren't worried about Melody when

you was at my house" "bitch ain't nothing happen you kissed me then I left because I got uncomfortable don't be putting lies on my name" I was about to say something because I told her stop saying my but *SLAP* oh my fucking gosh she just slapped Latrell

the whole cafeteria got quiet and then Latrell raised his hand I don't know what he was about to do but I ran over there to stop him I'm mad at him but I'm not letting him get suspended or expelled over that bitch "hey HEY look at me she is not worth it walk away I'll

tell one of your friends get your food get out before you get yourself in trouble" he had angry tears coming down but he finally looked at me then at her and walked out the cafeteria and then I went to walk away but I heard sniffing I tears around and Kira was

crying "girl shut the fuck up you get what you deserve your lucky I stopped him because if it was any other nigga I would have let him knock yo shit back and don't say thank you because I didn't stop him for you" after I spoke my peace I walked away my bestie

already had my plate and drink so I grabbed my shit from her and we went back to the gym and we went back to our blankets and pillows and we sat down and started eating in silence but then China finally said "have you ever seen Latrell get that mad before" "nah I

don't know what the fuck that was but I'm pretty sure she had it coming" "yeah I guess so but let's watch this movie" *time jump* so we are about to leave the school it's about 3:00 and everybody was just waking up or the movies were ending me and china fell

asleep so now we were walking to my car and I didn't see Latrell after the whole situation he must have went home or got sent home but that's not any of my business we finally got to my car and got in "so what do you want to

do today" "I don't know let's just go back to Sasha house and we'll figure it out from there" *time jump* so we are at Sasha house and we are sitting with niggas we go in this position because we ask Sasha is she had any plan or anything we could do today and she said "my boyfriend is about to come over and he is with his friends so we

can all find something to do" I just said ok but the dudes he brought over aren't me and China's type they got there pants of there ass can't say a regular sentence and if this ugly bastard touch me one more time he didn't even tell me his real name he said his name was

killa and I just went with it "so you got a nigga shawty" he said man handling my thigh "nah big bro I'm single" "you gotta stop with all the big bro stuff I'm trying to see what you bout" I was about to say something else then we heard a knock at the door "ill get it" I

got up and practically ran to the door and opened it and it was Avery and Latrell "what are y'all doing here how did you know where we was at" "when you broke up with me you never stopped sharing your location but that's beside the point can we talk please" I was about to say no but then I

looked back at China a she had a look of pure discussed on her face "ight fine come on in" we walked in and everybody faces turned to us "hey boo you remember Avery and Latrell" "yeah how y'all doing" they both said good then there was an awkward silence "so they wanted to talk me and China so we

are going to go in our room to talk ok bye" she nodded her head and China got up to follow us upstairs and we walked into my room "wassup what do you need to talk to us about" "do you love me" "huh" "do you love me Melody" "what type of question is that" "a real one it's like you want me to

suffer I made a couple of mistakes but you act like your perfect don't get me wrong what I did was worse than what you do but we both make mistakes I have to constantly fight for you just to tell me how you feel then you get

random mood swings when we are getting some where it's like you never wanted a relationship in the first place like I said multiple times before I'm sorry for giving another girl my attention but it damn sure gets hard

when your own girlfriend doesn't want it and sex doesn't make ever nigga happy you can't just throw pussy in my face when I'm mad at you then to just say your sorry you are my first love and I'm not giving up on us but this shit has to stop I just wanna love you Mel

damn" "why didn't you tell me that you felt that way I'm not a mind reader and I don't have a shiny ball to read minds I told you it's going to be hard being in a relationship with me I never fucking said it was going to be easy you remember what I told when you when

you first told me you liked me I told you everything how I would feel some days how I would act I never hid that if I made you feel unloved or replaceable I'm sorry but you have to speak your mind to and not just assume I know what I'm doing wrong I'm not a regular female and if you cant handle that y'all

can leave because I'm not changing for anyone I have been through way to much just to be that shy Pitiful little girl that I use to be" "I never said you had to change just let me know how you feel this relationship would work way better with communication and that's something we both never do we just gotta work on it baby" I was crying

and shaking because we were both right and I do love him but I still have my worries "if I take you back how do I know if I can't communicate they way you want me to you won't give your attention to another girl" "because when you love someone you try your best to make them better" uhhh I don't know what to do

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