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Melody pov
We got finished being nasty and put some clothes on I put on a ethika set and some black ankle socks and Latrell put on grey sweatpants a wife beater and some all white Nike socks and we went downstairs halfway down I hear my mom talking "well why did you go

in her room with out knocking you set yourself up for that dumb ass she's a teenage girl she could have been doing anything like master bating she could have been naked etc" my mom doesn't really talk to people like that so he has been making her mad for some time

now but me and Latrell got all the way down the stairs in the living room and sat down and Latrell put my legs on his lap and we were waiting for people to notice us because I wasn't about to say anything but we were talking quietly

but I guess not quite enough my dad heard us and turned around "see this the shit I'm talking about just disrespectful there are adults around and she doesn't even care" "she is sitting down comfortably with her friend what do you not want her to be

comfortable" "it's not even that I want her to be uncomfortable I caught her and that boy in the bed naked" "we're they having sex or did they have sex" "she said no but melody lies" I was listening to my parents whole conversation but I was falling asleep I

really didn't care about what my dad was saying "let me ask her then" I kept looking down until someone addressed me by my name "baby girl" I looked up at my mom "did you have sex today with your friend" "not intercourse sex but he did oral on me twice today" "see

our daughter didn't do anything" "yes the fuck they did she just said it" "she didn't do anything and stop being a hypocrite we started having sex when we were 11 and had Rhythm  when we were 15" "so what we were our only

partners we just can't pass that our daughter is a hoe" I was just looking at them and I started to shake because he was making me angry and Latrell just started to rub my knees and I'm happy he did because if he didn't I was going to fight my dad "ok melody I'm going to ask you this even though I don't care

why do you hate me?" I took my legs off Latrell and stood up to look my father somewhat in the face my father is taller than me though "what the fuck did you just ask me after you just sat there and called me 45 different types of hoes for the same shit you was doing you were

mommy's only partner you was a nasty nigga we have a half brother the same age as Harmony and you act like I'm the only one doing shit and everybody in this family started doing shit at my age so why the fuck  by 17 Rythem was on his 2 child Harmony was on her 2nd

relationship and Symphony had just lost her virginity what the fuck am I doing that's any different" "see the way you talk to me you ain't know good ima happy I left yo ass" that was the last straw because I jumped on my dads chest and started hitting him in the

face and scratching him my family didn't try to pull me off only Latrell and he did finally get me off of him but as soon as I got up my dad stood up and tried to fight me but my brother and sister and mom stood in his way "pops I'm sorry but if you hit her I'm going to

beat your ass like you owe me something" my brother said and Symphony shook her head in agreement "oh so y'all sticking up for her ight I'm going to do this I'm going to live in this house until I make you into the daughter I want you to be ok"

"kiss my ass you bald bitch" "you are not living in my house fuck no hell nah" "we can just take this to court then and you can either move back with your mom or you can live with me you pick" "nah syn let him stay here I'm not fucking changing like I said kiss my

ass" "but melody what about..." "I know we are going to live are live how we were before he decided to barge in our lives and he will move out soon" "yeah Ight I lived with you momma for 20 years I can handle a little fake thug" I

just rolled my eyes "Latrell my mom bought us food it's in the kitchen I'll go get us something to drink from my fridge and we can go in my room and eat" "hell nah now that I'm here ain't going to be boys in your room" "aye Richard kiss my ass" I said walking

past my family I'm not dealing with this today I'm really not like I just wanna eat and go back to sleep Latrell came out the kitchen with the African food and I had the drink and cups and we went up stairs to my room my dad

yelled something but I ignored it we got in my room he put the food on my desk and I put the stuff I had right next to it then Latrell grabbed my face and said "baby everything is going to be ok I got you your family got you I know you don't need him you are strong beautiful

and independent you don't need people like him in your life" and I didn't want to but I broke down crying just imagine the person that helped create you can stand the sight of you like I don't understand he left me he didn't want me but blames me for almost

everything that goes wrong in his life like he just didn't come back 5 years ago this is not a movie we will never be ok "I just don't get why he treats me differently I'm like this because of him and he blames me" "I know baby let's just get your mind off the situation"

"ok can we eat now" I said sniffing he just giggle and we sat down to eat I think I found my soulmate

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