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"I don't know why we have to go to this school anyway."

" Relax Razer its going to be fine, let's just go for now, if its no fun we will just be ditching don't worry your dad wouldn't find out OK".

"Don't you dare plan on ditching school OK, now listen to me, you have to get a knowledge of the humans In other to be a a ruler Razer," my dad yelled at us. Obviously he has been eavesdropping on me and Parker's discussion. "but dad since you learnt about the humans. we haven't had any encounter with them so its useless trying to learn from them. besides What will they even teach us" I said.

"A lot", he said. "And look at you you haven't even found your mate yet and you are here saying nonsense. It might even be a human".

If looks could kill, I swear to God, my dad would have been dead by now, what the hell.? Yes I and Parker's mate are yet to be discovered among us. But I hate it when someone ever says my mate could be human. Yes 1000 years one of my uncle had human mate. but that's long ago, I can't have a weak vessel as a mate. They can do nothing, no powers at all.

My dad chuckled at the face I was making. "Calm down now, I was joking" he said.

"you better be dad" I said storming out.

"School starts tomorrow Razer be ready" ,he said. I sent a thin air back to him, to make him know I heard him.

"Listen, actually am curious to really know what a human look like. Like I want to touch them", parker said walking behind me. Parker is my best friend, we are inseparable, since my dad mentioned i am going to human realm to school for a whole year, I have been throwing tantrums here and there, last week dad said parker can come with me, it doesn't sound that bad to me, people always gossip that parker might be my mate but we don't know yet. Yes that statement very much disgust me if you ask me. but parker being my other half isn't bad though, I just pray that it isn't true cause I will really need to kill whom ever that creates mate's.

"What are you thinking about?" parker questioned me laughing. I looked at his handsome face, his just like me. We have the same built and everything, my mate is supposed to be smaller if he was a guy. I chuckled at my stupid thoughts. "What?" Parker questioned.

"Nothing I just hate my dad" I said....


Human realm is as terrible as I thought I was away from my family. I was staying with my 1000yrs ago uncle that was mated to a human, very pathetic if I may add. Today they forced me to the stupid school, yah did I tell you parker was excited. Yah my bad, he is damn excited he couldn't sleep at all, he was tossing and turning on the stupid bed we had to share. I had to hold him in other for me to sleep a wink. "Hurry up!" he yelled I want to see humans my age.

"No human in that school is your age" you idiot. He frowned, and nodes in understanding. We walked in slowly into the school, I looked around the school, the things I saw around here is really pathetic. I looked to my right to see a girl seating on the floor with whitish substance on her head and body, the children were laughing at her, my heart sank at that sight.

I kept on walking till I bump into something or someone. "Watch were you are going to!" the human said, I nodded, my attention was still on the girl.

"What are you starring at? let's go find our way to class" Parker said, dragging me a little, I had to tore my eyes away from the scrawny human female.

I was seated in class when a teacher asked me to introduce my self, I have been lectured on how I shouldn't use my powers in this human realm that its dangerous to me. I seriously want to shut this stupid teacher up.

With a scowl on my face I stood nonchalantly, "my name is Razer" I said and sat down.

"You have to introduce your self well" the human teacher barked at me. I just turned my face away from him.

" I will do it!" parker said.

oh yah the goody to shoes, I rolled my eye's.

"My name is parker Desery Ronan, I am from Zomba its not found in any map cause its too small. but we live with our uncle here, this is Razer Zora his my brother".

The teacher sighed, "Razer zora he turned to me why couldn't you introduce yourself?".

Can this idiot get off my back I internally said to him. When the man saw I wasn't gonna say a word he went ahead to ignore me and start teaching. He was really teaching this? I questioned my self. This is a waste of time and.... I stopped mid sentence as a sweet smell invaded my nostrils, I whipped my head to the door when someone walked in.

"so nice to join us now miss Lena" the teacher said.

"Am sorry sir" the girl said and walked to her seat which is actually beside me if I may add. She smells like sweet, yah strawberry sweet, I keep on inhaling it. My head was spinning, I stood up rushed out from my seat and run away I ran to the back of the school.

"Jesus Christ what is going on here!" I totally forgot about my problems in an instant at the sight I just saw. "Let him go this instant" I yelled at the boys who were holding a smaller boy hostage. They made no move to let the boy go, "what is wrong with you kids?" I said taking heavy steps forward to them. he was badly bruised by the beating the bigger sets had given him.

"Are u OK?" I asked, he just nodes looking at his feet.

"What's your business here? the biggest boy among them asked.

"Can you walk?" I asked the smaller boy totally ignoring them. he nodded, I made to move with him he fell. I picked him up, he was so light, I pitied him. I heard grumbling from the other guys. I walked him into the school, and straight to an empty classroom. "does it hurt much?" I ask. He nodded negatively. I pressed down on his injuries he hissed. "Sorry" I said.

"now close your eyes and count to ten" I said, he closed his eyes when he got to five, stop I said. I pressed the injury again, "does it hurt?" I asked?

"No" he said, "you are bleeding?" He said shock evident in his eyes. I touch were he was pointing at, blood was obviously oozing out from my nose. I rolled my eye's,

"come on!" I said its just common healing, is this the harm dad was talking about. I wiped my nose harshly, I walk out on the obviously horrified boy. I just went straight home. I can't process all this, I know the boy isn't gonna spill my secret, but if he does I would love it, easier the better I can go home earlier. My uncle never questioned me I just went straight to my room.

(Another chapter updated. I will not write smut unless you request for it[winks]... ) leave a comment pls.

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