"I'm Rosé."

"I'm Nayeon." Nayeon shook hands with the two.

Too many people to shake hands with but never mind, I'm good with it.

A lady in blonde long-hair with bangs sat on the empty chair at my right side.

She's beautiful it made me gawked.

"Hi. I'm Lisa and you must be?" She offered her hand for a handshake and I took it right away.

She's like a doll. Her brown eyes are wonderful.

"I'm Jennie and this is Nayeon, my best friend," I said calmly trying not to make myself obvious that I'm simping for her in a second.

"You're pretty. I like your eyes, your lips, your face, your hair, and your height." Nayeon said complimenting Lisa a lot. I took a glare at Nayeon and mouthed "Don't be too obvious that you're gay."

She mouthed back "I'm Bi."

I rolled my eyes. I don't know the difference between the two but as long as you're gay, you're gay.

I looked back at Lisa and I can see her blushing from what Nayeon said. Is she gay as well?
Who am I to judge? It's none of my business anyway.

"I like your outfit," I said, just in order to not make Nayeon obvious. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Her smile makes my heart flutter. For heaven's sake, are you for real, Jennie Kim?

"Thank you, both," she said, still smiling.

"I like your smile!" Nayeon said still astonished with Lisa's breathtaking beauty.

Her brown doe eyes are captivating especially when matched with her smile. Oh, self. Stop staring at her.

I nudged Nayeon's arm, a way of signaling her to stop flirting because it is too obvious.

Obviously, Nayeon is hitting on her. I know Nayeon is Bi. I guess that's bisexual? Where you are attracted to both sexes but so far I haven't seen Nayeon dated men, so I always assume that maybe she's a lesbian and her saying that she's bi is a defense.

Idk. Good thing she doesn't have any romantic feelings for me because she doesn't like super girly aura vibes, and she told me I am not her type.

Well, that's better. At least, I can still have a best friend without any malice.

I can see that Lisa got uncomfortable.

"I am going to the comfort room. Are you coming?" Nayeon asked me.

I nodded no and she went on her own.

"I'm sorry about that she always loves to compliment beautiful things or people. I hope you don't take it wrongly." I told Lisa just to clear Nayeon's flirting game.

"Nah, I didn't. I'm used to it by the way." she gave me a sweet grin on her face and it is so beautiful. Such a beautiful smile she got there that it compel me to smile back.

"You got a cute smile. I like it. It reminds me of someone," she said with looking at my lips and smiled at me. I can feel a little heat on my cheeks. This is embarrassing, it's just a compliment Jennie, why do you have to blush?

Someone? Who could that be?

"NO CLASSES ON THE FIRST DAY!!!" Sehun proclaimed it in the class and his friends are jumping with happiness because of the news!

Sehun, Kai, and Chanyeol are my classmates. They took the same course because of the same reasons.


SHE BENT MEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें