18 | don't intrude

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I just finished telling my friends what happened with Jungkook, all three of them, Hwasa, Momo and Mike, are very surprised.

From the fact that he took this initiative, he went from being shy to a boy who takes initiative with courage and knew the effect he would have on me.

《Did he kiss you?》 Mike asks.

I nod, widening my eyes.
Looking back on that evening ... he left me short of breath and red cheeks.

《In the true sense of the word?》

《Fuck, yes. He caught me at a time when I was distracted.》

《From what? His smile? His muscles?》 Momo mimics a bodybuilder, showing her arms. Making everyone laugh.

《... Yes, also.》 I affirm.

《Uuuh.》 My friends tease me, making skits and silly sounds, like the noises of people kissing with their lips.

《How did it feel?》 Mike is speaking now.

《Is it wrong if I say that there is a very small part of me that would have liked to continue?》

《Aaaaw!》 Comments Momo.

《I told that bunny to take more initiative, I see it worked.》 Hwasa leans satisfied with her arm on Mike's shoulder.

《In what sense?》 I ask amazed by what she just said.

Her face freezes for a moment as if she had said something she shouldn't have. 《Well ...》 she starts talking hesitantly, she doesn't know whether to talk and this makes me suspicious.

《Do you remember when we had an appointment at the café?》

《The day you left because I was late.》 I say remembering, she nods.

《You saw Jungkook there, didn't you?》

《Yes, how do you know?》 I ask strangely.

《Jungkook and I had everything organized.》

I remain silent, but it takes me little to put all the pieces together, I understand. They arranged for me to "casually" see him instead of Hwasa.

Mike and Momo look at each other, feeling uncomfortable with the rising tension.

I sigh, I try to control my anger. Hwasa knows how much I hate it when someone controls my situations, she fucking knows.

These are situations in which I have found myself in the middle too many times, from Yoongi and his bet with his friends, the same thing happened with Taehyung and the others.

I look straight into her eyes. 《Hwasa, I won't go off now, but don't ever do it again.》 I say it seriously like I've never been.

《I just wanted to give you a little help.》

《Don't do it, you did it with Jimin too and you saw how the fuck it turned out.》 I answer starting to get upset.

《Are you saying it's my fault?》 She makes a strange face, between surprise and hurt.

《No, but if you minded your own business I wouldn't have come to have to suffer again. Don't interfere every time.》 I make my point clear.

And it's true, if she hadn't gotten in the way I wouldn't have ended up having to suffer. I know she's been by my side both before and after, but sometimes it's okay if she just does that, without intervening.

《It's not my fault! It's Jimin who did the jerk on duty!》 She explains, raising her tone.

《Because you gave him a "Little help"!》 I say raising my fingers to symbolize the apostrophes.

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