"I know, hyung, I'll try to catch up." He answered with a sincere smile.

"Good. And I'm looking forward to you joining us in the company. You could've continued your college. It wasn't necessary."

"No, hyung. I wanted to help you. I know how much struggle you and Joon hyung has done to make the company successful. Especially after Dad's unfortunate death. I've been doing my best to learn about the office work. Just don't make me reconsider my decision." The older nodded.

"As you wish. Just know that you're always welcome whenever you want to join." He smiled.

Taehyung looked at his wrist watch to note time. 10:30 pm. "I should be leaving now, hyung." He said.

"Yeah. Let me drop you. Weather is not so great. It looks like it's going to rain."

"No. It's ok, hyung. I'll just walk. My place is near. Just 15 minutes of walk. I'll be fine." He reassured.

The elder nodded. "Okay. Just be safe." They hugged and pulled away after few seconds. "Text me when you're home."

"Will do." He showed his boxy smile. The elder made his way to his car and got in the driver's seat. "Bye Tae." He waved. "Bye Seokjin-hyung. See you on Monday." He waved back.

Once the car was out of sight, he sighed. He started to walk toward his house. The walk was nice as the latter was humming a song. His hands in his pockets and he walks on the path.

He wasn't even a meter away from the restaurant and it started to rain. "Shit! I should've brought my umbrella." He cursed under his breath as he began to walk faster.

He eventually stopped as he saw a pack of street dogs barking and running out of an alley. He hid behind the nearest wall. He was just a block away from his house and there are like 7 to 8 dogs on his way.

It's not like he doesn't like dogs. He loves dogs but who would want to go near some random dog wandering in the streets. What is the guarantee that they are not mad dogs? What if they bite him?

Caught up in his thoughts, he didn't realize he was soaked. He cursed once again and popped his head out to see no more dogs. 'This is the chance, let's go Tae.' He thought as he began to walk.

As he went near the alley, he stopped. Curiosity rose in his head. 'Should I look? Why did the dogs came out of here? If the dogs came out, then I shouldn't enter? Plus, it's cold and raining, I should be heading home. But, I want to go and see. Nah, what if I got sick because of being out in rain. But, 2 minutes won't hurt.' His mental debate ended as he heard a creak from inside the alley.

'Fuck it, I'm going.' He reached the inside of his coat and pulled out his phone (which is waterproof, just in case). He turned on the flashlight as there was no light or bulb there.

He gasped as he saw a rat. He clutched his heart and sighed in relief. The rat ran to the back of the dumpster. "Fucking rat. You scared me. Stupid." He muttered. He was about to turn when something caught his eyes.

From the corner of his eyes, what he assumed that it was a foot. He stopped and turned his phone to the dumpster. He moved forward to take a clear look behind of the dumpster.

It was really a foot. His eyes widened in horror. 'Fucking hell. Is it a dead body? What if it's only a foot that someone has chopped off and threw here?' Thousand of thoughts and question wandered his mind.

He shook his head violently. "It's ok, Tae. Breath. Just one look. One look and you're out." He breathed out to calm down. Hesitantly, he walked over to the back of the dumpster.

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