'Oh, uhm, you didn't have to do that', I said and watch them each laugh, 'we wanted to', Simmons says and hands me a tray of my favourite food whilst the rest is passed around to everyone else.


The team and I had talked for hours, if I'm being honest, I'm going to miss them, even though some can be a little annoying at times, I'm still going to miss them all the same and will miss the quips we all have with one another.

'Got everything', Tripp asks me and I nod when I get my last duffle bag, 'Yes', I simply say and when I follow behind him, I take one last glimpse of my room, then shut the light, followed my the door with a sigh, 'you ready', he says and I look over and nod.

'Come on then, the jet is ready', he says and I follow again, 'You'll do great Y/n, I know you will', Tripp tells me and I move my lips to a small smile, I like his encouragement, but I'm still having my doubt about it.

'Y/n', I heard and look over to Yo-yo, who was walking out of the Quinjet with the rest of the team, 'we've loaded all your stuff in there for you, so you don't have to', she says and I nod.

'Thank you', I said.

'Good Luck Y/n', Daisy breaks the silence and I give her curt nod, 'thanks, I'll probably need it', I state and watch them laugh.

*Coulson POV*

'Besides her stubbornness, she's a good kid', May says as I chuckled at the thought and nod, 'I know she is', I replied and looked back at her whilst they each said there goodbye, careful not to hug or touch her whilst maintaining a safe enough distance.

'You know, she's going to cause a lot of trouble if she doesn't get her way', May says as I snickered again, 'oh, I don't doubt she would', I responded and watch her smile.

'I'm going to go with her, so she's settled in', I tell her, 'I'll watch the team whilst your away', she responds and then I'm watching Y/n walk over to us.

'You ready', I asked as she nodded, nervously, and heads in whilst I follow.

*End of POV*

Once everyone said goodbye, Coulson helped me with my belt, my hands we're shaking and I just couldn't get the anxiety building within me to stop, so he helped to buckle me in and once he did, he tapped my shoulder again, 'everything's going to be fine Y/n', he reassured me as I nod again and takes a seat beside me, whilst I became confused, 'are you coming with me', I asked as he nodded.

'Yeah, might as well get you properly adjusted', he explained as I nod again and watch the doors close whilst they waved me off from the helipad as I did too until the doors closed and I sighed once again whilst I put my hand down.

'You want anything before we land there Y/n', he asked and I shook my head, 'No', I responded and then watch him nod to the pilot and not long after, we we're sailing through the air.


We made a few stops along the way, granted they we're pointless but I just didn't want to be in a rush to get there, I was in panic mode right now, and I hate being like this, my body doesn't respond well to it.

Once I realised we we're way passed the scheduled time, we hurried back to the jet, I knew Coulson was busy and I didn't want to keep him from anything important, besides, not everything was about me and I need to learn not to waist people's time, not that he minded, but nonetheless, I hate keeping someone from important jobs, especially if it involves Hydra.


Coulson was the first to get out of his seat and take two of my bags, so when I took my belt off, I grabbed the suitcase and put the other duffle bag over my shoulder and looked at him, 'Ready', he asks and I nod, 'I'm ready', I confirm and see a warm smile on him again, 'don't doubt yourself Y/n, you'll do great, I know you will', he says and I smile to myself, I'm glad I have him to cheer for me too.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora