'Yes', Fury says, 'you'll be more better in this team, they're match the same skill set as your own, so it'll be more helpful if your there, then here', he adds.

'There', I question and look at the file again, 'He means New York', Coulson explains and I begin to understand, 'Oh', I said, disappointed, one because I was unsure with this arrangement and two, because I don't think me starting over with a new team will be okay for me, I hate meeting new people and building my trust again, it took me time to trust the team I was already in, so now that I had to start again, it's going to be all the more time consuming.

'Will this be by myself or will someone be coming with me', I ask, because then it would be easier for me and if I have at least one person I could trust, I didn't need anyone else.

'This will be by yourself', Fury confirmed and I only sigh to myself and move my thumb over the written words on top of the file, 'The Avengers Initiative', it read out.

'When do I leave', I ask.

'Right away, Tomorrow morning at the latest', Fury replies and I nod and carry on looking at the words, I wish this wasn't happening right now, but then again, I don't have a choice in that anyway.

'I should get going, if you have any questions, Coulson will answer them', Fury tells me and then I hear his footsteps as he walks away, leaving me and Coulson alone.

'You'll do great Y/n', he tells me, 'I know you will', he says and I'm staring back at him with a sigh, 'I just, I don't know about this Sir', I said and I could tell he could sense my worry when he meets my eyes, 'is this because of what happened last time... I know I only just woke up from it and I'm still recovering but if it is', I start, only for him to interrupt.

'It's not Y/n', he says, 'This is because you're advancements are exceeding', he tells me, 'your skills and knowledge is better used in a team your more suited for, and like Fury said, this team meets your skill set, so you should be with them, they can teach you what they've learnt and Vis Versa', he finishes and I stare at him confused.

'Vis Versa', I question as he gives me a warm smile, 'it means they can teach you, and you can teach them', he explains and I begin to understand, 'Oh', I said, 'that makes sense, sorry, my mind isn't', I'm beginning as he interrupts again, 'I know', he says and I watch his smile deepen.

'Come on, I'll help you pack', he says and I nod, unfold my legs, stand to my full length and walk beside him, 'do they know I'm coming', I ask and move my eyes back to the folder I'm holding.

'We just decided, so no, not yet, but they will', he replies.


It had been a couple of hours, Coulson had helped me with all my packing, I didn't need him to do that for me, seeing as I know how busy he get's, but he insisted, so we divided and concurred, his words not mine, so I gave him the duty of packing away all my books and putting them into the suitcase, he let me borrow from himself and it was just the correct amount of space to fit all of them.

'I think you'll need a separate room for your books', he chuckles and I look at him after stuffing my clothes into the duffle bag, 'really, I can', I said a little hopeful now.

'I was joking', he says and I hear him laugh whilst I frown, I was taking him seriously, but he just has to joke with me right now.

'Done', he asks and I nod, 'Okay, well...', he begins and when he opens the door, I see the whole team outside, with bright smiles on their faces and there hands occupying trays of food, 'seeing as this is your last night', Tripp begins to inform me until Fitz interrupts, 'we brought you your favourites', he says, 'As a goodbye treat', he adds and they all come into my now empty room, the only thing here, is the single bed in the corner of the room, stripped of its sheets.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now