Chaper One: Pilot

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"Kay! Kaydance!"

I peeked out of my cocoon of sheets.

Standing above me was Raelynn, brushing through her wavy, blonde hair. I closed my eyes are burrowed back into my cot.

"Oh no, you gotta get up. I let you sleep in," she said over my protesting groans. Without warning, she grabbed my ankles and began to drag me out of my cot. "No no no!" I squealed, hanging on to the edge. Too late. I was on the ground. I stuck my tongue out at her and she returned the gesture. Then we both ended up laughing hysterically. We found everything funny. Normal typical, possibly over-eccentric teenage girls.

That's when I remembered. "Five more days until we fly to London!" I shouted and got up if the floor, dancing like a weirdo. I've gotta say, I've got pretty good moves. Not. Rae just laughed at me and continued on. 'Five more days until see Ryleigh again!' I thought to myself.

You see, Rae, Ryleigh and I are like the three musketeers. We all had come from different backgrounds, yet still had a lot in common. And we had all helped each other cope with our own personal issues.

I like to think it was destiny that we met. It was quite some time ago, but I can remember it like yesterday. Rae and I were ten, and Ry was nine. Instead of playing in the playground, Rae was sat on a picnic table reading a book. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to be exact. I always tried to hang out with the popular girls, but I was just a pushover. The group of girls were bullying Raelynn. They told her she was a dork, a bookworm, a geek and a nerd with no friends. When Ryleigh spoke up for her. Back then, Ry was the mysterious, quiet girl.

"We'll I think reading is cool. Especially Harry Potter," she stated defiantly. Nobody would ever admit it, but a lot of people were intimidated by her, despite the fact we were ten. Anyways, I'm not quite sure what possessed me in those three second, but I knew there was a reason for it.

"Harry Potter is cool, best books ever," I chimed in right after. Ryleigh had a wary look on her face, Rae broke out into a crooked grin, and those popular girls just scoffed and walked away. From that day on we grew closer and closer together. And that's how we became best friends.

I shook my head, ridding myself of the memory, with a faint smile painted on my lips.

After that I did my usual routine which involved combing my hair, putting my contacts in and getting dressed. Rae and I tided up our little two person hutch for about 10 minutes and headed out to eat breakfast which consisted of sweetened porridge, a slice of bread with butter, a plantain and a bottle of water. After we were done, we cleaned up, washed our dishes, and put them back into a little cabinet. The day had only just begun, and now it was time to get to work.

A/N- Well.... I got motivated enough to write the first chapter. Woooo! So what do you think? Comment, favorite, fan me, give me feed back! For anyone who didn't know, this is indeed my first fan-fic. I also dedicate this chapter to my best friends, who are also my inspiration for Raelynn and Ryleigh. They are my amazing crime-fighting editing sidekicks. Because superheroes are amazing. If I could be a superhero I'd be Catwomen, because I love cats. And am most likely gonna be a cat lady. And I don't know where this is going anymore. Anyways, Raelynn is based off of cjloomans, and Ryleigh is based off of mk2199. Like I said, tell me what you think! Be a superhero!

Best Wishes,

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